Chapter 3

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Needless to say, I was a little nervous to go hiking in the woods today. I dug out my hiking shoes this morning in the box next to my closet. I was determined to prove those rumors wrong about there being wolves roaming around in woods day and night.

I decided this morning I would do the shorter trail today, because I wanted to have time to unpack a little. Based on the trail Eva drew on the map, it didn't look like it was going to be a long hike. The hike would probably be around an hour. Unlike the Mount Ashland, where I lived, was double that.

Since it wasn't going to be a long hike, I decided not bring a bag. It was still chilly outside, so I decided on wearing black leggings and my high school sweatshirt.

Stepping out into the autumn air, I headed on the sidewalk, while opening the map to find out where the trail was. Based on the map it only looked about a two minute walk from my house.

I began walking in that direction, while folding the map to stuff in my pocket.

I breathed in the crisp morning air, it was always refreshing.

One of my favorite things growing up was being able to sit on the porch with my father, enjoying the morning sunrise while breathing in the air. Already, I missed my parents deeply. Being the only child, my parents and I were very close. My mother called me late last night, after receiving my voicemail, almost in tears about how she missed me around the house. I am sure I would be visiting them quite often.

Ahead I could see a sign pointing to where the trail would start. I smiled, upon seeing this. It was a new place to explore. Every time I would go on a hike, I would always see something new. For there was always something enjoyable about finding out what secrets the mountain and the forest has.

Stepping off the sidewalk, I headed into the direction of the trail, the leaves crunching while I walked.

The entrance of the trail was a canopy of trees, it was beautiful, especially with the ray of autumn colors. The trail was narrow, it looked as if not many people have hiked up it. Which didn't surprise me after Eva told me how very few people hike here.

While hiking up the trail, I could tell it wasn't much of challenge. The ground wasn't as elevated as other places around the mountain. It was probably the easiest way up. It felt relaxing to walk among the trees, the earthy smell from the ground along with the fresh smell of pine trees.

I was hoping soon before my job at the school started Monday, I would have the chance to hike the other trail. Nervousness set in as soon as I thought about my job. I had never had a serious job before, the only job I had in college was working at a local coffee shop. I could make a mean cup of coffee. The college would send us to to schools to student teach, but I was never by myself teaching students. I always had another teacher there to help guide me. It would be a new experience teaching young kids, and being in charge of what to teach them all day. Although, I was nervous I was ready to do it.

This was only third day living in Heus, and I was already loving the town. I thought it would be more difficult moving from the city life to a smaller town. But I was surprised how comfortable I felt living here. The town was quiet, but it had a homey feel to it. While living in the city there was always things going on. The city life was action packed, there was always a new event happening around. I usually kept to myself more in the city anyways, I liked staying in and reading. While only going outside when I wanted to hike. Hiking always cleared my mind, it was something I did to have time thinking by myself without interruptions.

When heading up the trail, I noticed the trees getting denser. If I ever stepped off the trail I knew, I would be getting lost among the hundreds of trees. I shuddered at the thought.

Like I thought, the trail wasn't that difficult. There wasn't a challenge climbing up it that I was usually use too. I knew that I was almost at its end. The higher I went the more the air got chiller. Next time I would have to remember to unpack my warmer jackets.

The crack of a branch stopped me in my tracks. I was use to hearing small animals scurry around among the leaves when hiking, but this didn't sound like a small animal. I tried to look around along the thick amount of trees, but it was hard to see anything in there. The trees almost creating a wall beside each side of the trail.

Another crack sounded in the forest of trees.

I took a backwards step, away from reaching the top of the trail. I was starting to feel an ounce of fear. I didn't know if I wanted to finish to reach the top now. There was something in these trees, and I didn't want to see what.

Taking another step back, I slowly turned around to head back down. I have never felt like I shouldn't be on a trail, before now.

I quickened my pace, my feet taking my down. The downwards slope making me go faster.

A low growl sounded close behind me. Now I knew I had to get away, and fast. This was definitely not a small animal. I quickly changed from walking, to sprinting down the trail. The leaves lifting off the ground with each step I took, running down.

The fear of what Eva told me about wolves, came to life. I knew I was skeptical about there being wolves out in the day, but never did I think I would possibly hear one on my first time hiking here. The thought of being attacked by whatever was in the those woods, scared the hell out of me.

I could see the entrance of the trail, I pushed myself to go faster to reach it. I didn't know if that thing that growled was following me, but I didn't want to look behind to find out.

Passing the entrance of the trail, I didn't stop running. I just wanted to reach my house and lock my doors. My heart was racing on what could possibly be in the forest. There was no way I was going back on that trail anytime soon.

Reaching my house, I grabbed my key out of pocket. Unlocking the door with shaky hands, I pulled open the door slamming it quickly. My hands swiftly and securely locking the front door.

I let out a sigh, with my hands pressing against the door. Almost as if I would feel someone pushing against the door soon.

The adrenaline slowly started to fade, as I leaned my back against the door and slid to the ground. I looked down at my hands shaking in front of me.

This was something I had never experienced before. The fear of what was off the trail. Never had I heard something that put fear running through my body that quickly. I felt like I stepped onto another animals territory, where I was the intruder. The only animals I knew of that had territories were wolves, but I was not about to go back to find out if is was.

Maybe Eva was right, the woods here are dangerous.


Hello all! I hope you are enjoying your week. Hoping you will enjoy this new chapter! I told you it would pick up (; . Please correct me if there are any errors. I can't believe I almost at 200 views! Glad you all are liking the story. Please leave lots of comments!


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