I don't see Harry for the rest of the night. He stays in his room, I'm not sure what he's doing or why. Maybe he's trying to avoid me? But why would he do that? I haven't done anything wrong. Have I? Or is this just what he does all the time, hide away? Oh well, I'm not too bothered to be honest. We keep talking for ages until the boys decide to go home. I'm quite tired actually. I stand up, yawning,
"Night. I think I should go to sleep now" Louis nods in agreement, looking up at me and yawning too. He takes me to my room and says goodnight. Right before he leaves, I hear him say,
"It's great to have you back! Night cuz, love you!" I smile a tired smile,
"Thanks, I love you too Lou. Now leave me alone!" I giggle.
"Oh! Rude!" he laughs and closed the door behind him. I get changed as quietly as I can. I am extremely clumsy though so my idea of quiet involves making lots of noise as I bump into things. So yeah, I just get changed, there's no 'quietly' about it.
I decide to pop into the kitchen and get a drink first before I sleep so I walk over to the door and carefully creak it open. I gently pad over, fumble around for the light switch and start searching around for a glass.
"What are you still doing here?" a deep, husky voice behind me says, making me practically jump out of my skin, God, I HATE it when people do that! I spin around to see Harry wearing just a pair of grey trackies, leant against the door frame, arms folded.
"er, well Louis said I could stay, he said you wouldn't mind, he..." I trail off at the end, having to face an unpleasant glare from Harry at the other end of the room.
"And what are you doing now?" he questions me again. He knows he's making me feel uncomfortable, and he likes it.
"Just, uh, getting a drink" I reach for the cupboard above my head and grab a glass without taking my eyes off of Harry. I glance away for a moment to fill it up and when I turn back around Harry is stood directly behind me, his eyes narrowed.
"What are you doing?" I ask him, frowning. He just shrugs his shoulders at me, I raise an eyebrow. "Riiight. Are you going to move or... what?" he pulls a face at me implying that he's not going to. Oh good. I go to move one way but he puts his hand out to stop me. The same thing happens when I step he other way. This is so frustrating! "Dude! What are you playing at?!" I snap. Harry smirks and shrugs again.
"Dunno. I'm bored" I shake my head and go to move again, but he still stops me. Jeez! This guy is gonna get on my nerves BIG time! I give him a half-hearted laugh,
"Yeah, this isn't funny Harry"
"oh but it is!" he coos. Hmm. I breath in deep,
"Okay goodnight Harry!" I try pushing him out of the way but he doesn't budge. I try stepping around him one last time but he steps in front, jogging me and I spill the whole glass of water down him.
I gasp and he just stand there, his eyes wide. "I am so sorry!" I tell him, "It was an accident!" he gives me a death glare and storms off back to him room.
Well, if Harry didn't like me before then he definitely doesn't now. It was quite funny though, to be fair. And he did look like he'd wet himself. Which in actual fact just makes it funnier. I'd call it an accomplishment and I'm very proud of myself.
Well, tomorrows going to be such fun! I can tell we are going to get on like a house on fire. Or maybe not. He doesn't like me, I don't like him, clearly. He's got a nice body though don't you think? Ahem, I mean... what an idiot! Yeah...
I clean up the water from the kitchen floor tiles and walk back to bed with a smile on my face. This should be good.
"WAKE UP!" I slowly open my eyes just in time for Louis to jump on me. I groan and roll over.
"Leave me alone" I mumble, he stands up and pulls the sheets off me. "Lou!" I yell, trying to grab them back.
"Oh, stop your moaning! It's the morning! C'mon, get up" he chuckles and grabs my hands, pulling me up and out of the room.
Harry is sat eating a bowl of cereal on the sofa and watching TV. He just looks at me when I walk out. I don't say anything to him when I walk out. I don't say anything to him, I walk straight past and follow Louis into the kitchen with a big smirk plastered to my face.
"Sleep well?" Louis asks me, as he starts making some tea. I nod,
"Yes thanks. Hey, you know you love me...?" I begin, I see him grin from the side.
"uh huh..." he says, trying not to spill the boiling hot water all over the marbled counter as he fills up three mugs full.
"Well... do you think I could... stay here, with you, for a bit? You know, just for a few weeks, it's just, I can't really go home right now and I can't really afford a hotel or anything, and I..." I start babbling on and on, not really making any sense at all, when Louis turns around and grins,
"Course!". I stop.
"Really?" he laughs and nods,
"yes! I'd love you to!" he jumps a little, giving me a big hug just as harry walks in. "Hey Harry guess what?!"
"Um, I dunno, what...?" he doesn't even look up as he says it, just picks up a mug of tea and carries on looking down.
"Lottie's gonna be staying with us for a bit!" oh so now he looks up, but only to give me evils.
Well, because she is, and I want her to and-"
"Does she have to?" he pulls a face, I raise my eyebrows at him, bit rude!
"Yes!" Louis exclaims, "is that a problem?"
"Well, yeah, a little bit! Why can't she just go home?" he says glaring at me. Jeez, he's rude.
"Harry!" Louis shouts, Harry holds out his hands as if to say 'What have I done?!'
"Well why not?" I look at the ground uncomfortably,
"Maybe I will just get a hotel" I step past Harry but Louis pulls me back,
"NO. You're staying here" he snaps, woah, he's serious. Harry rolls his eyes,
"Oh joy".
"Harry can I talk to you please? NOW!" Harry sighs and mutters something under his breath,
"Uh... I'm gonna take a shower" I say making a swift exit past Harry as he looks up at me from underneath his curls. I stop just outside the door to see if I can hear what Louis says to him. They don't say anything for a minute and i'm about to walk away when Louis says:
"What the hell was that for?!"
"What do you mean?" I peep through a crack in the door and see the two of them stood facing eachother.
"You know what I mean! You've been a complete dick ever since she turned up! What is wrong with you?!" Harry shrugs,
"I just don't like her"
"Why not? You don't even know her!"
"I know her well enough not to like her"
"Dude that's pathetic! Why not?" he shrugs again.
"I dunno, she's cocky, annoying and clumsy. I. DON'T. LIKE. HER. Do I have to spell it out to you?!"
"That's not true! She's my cousin Harry! I'd appreciate it if you didn't slag her off!"
"I'm not slagging her off!" Harry protests,
"Yes you- UGH, can you just make a little effort please?" Harry tilts his head back, looking at the ceiling,
"I'm not promising anything"
"Please" Louis begs him, Harry sighs,
"Why should I? She wont. She's too cock-sure of herself"
OH. So it's like that is it? RUDE! Well, bring it on, STYLES. Grabbing a towel from the cupboard i walk away quickly but quietly to have a shower.

Forever and Always x
FanficLottie is Louis' cousin. They have been best friends every since they were little, and Louis' very protective of her. When Lottie travels to see Louis, she meets Harry, who almost immediately becomes her worst enemy. All Louis wants is for the pair...