The door immediately opens before I even raise my arm to knock and Louis practically jumps on me, hugging me so tight I can barely breath.
"Dude! You're suffocating me!" he lets go and steps back, smiling sheepishly,
"Sorry, I'm just glad to see you, it's been such a long time!" I laugh a little and nod. It was true, we hadn't seen each other in years. 11 years to be exact. I was 5, he was 9, at our aunties wedding. We were so close back then, saw each other everyday, although, we did live on the same road, next door to one another. We were best friends, but then, our dads had a huge argument and my dad made us move away. I was devastated. I didn't want to go, but I had no choice, I was only 5.
"You look amazing!" he tells me, grinning like crazy, I laugh,
"Thanks, you too!" he looks at me intently, smiling,
"You haven't changed at all!" I frown slightly, smiling too,
"Is that a bad thing?"
"No!" he insists, shaking his head quickly, "I would hate it if you looked completely different, but you don't, the same girl, just, grown up" I smile widely at him, he's so sweet, in some ways it feels as though we've never been apart. I can tell he's still the same Louis I knew all those years back, it's weird to think he's so much older and is living a completely diverse lifestyle. I mean, he's a big star now, I have seen him so many times on the news, it was always kind of creepy to think that was my cousin, but I was always so proud. It's so good to see him again and know he hasn't forgotten me. Suddenly, he hugs me again, not as tight this time, more of a big bear hug. "God I missed you Lottie!" I giggle,
"I missed you too Lou".
"C'mon, come and meet the boys" he grabs my hand and drags me inside. The boys are sat playing Mario Cart on the Wii, and shouting.
"No! That's not fair!" a blonde boy with a cute Irish accent shouts, throwing the controller on the floor,
"YES! Winneeer!" a boy with brown curly hair yells, holding his hands up in victory, the other boys laugh. The blonde one stands up and turns around, beginning to walk to the door but screeches to a halt when he comes face to face with Louis and I stood in the doorway.
"Oh, hi there!" he greets me with a cheeky grin. The other three boys all turn their heads in our direction at exactly the same time, like they were being pulled by string or something. Louis gently tugs my arms, pulling me further into the lounge.
"Well who's this then?" a boy with big brown eyes and a cute smile walks over holding out his hand, "I'm Liam" I smile and politely shake his hand, as Louis Introduces me,
"Guys, this is my cousin, Lottie" he puts his arm around my shoulder, and I look up to see him with the biggest cheesy grin on his face, which makes me giggle a little. The other two boys stand up and walk slowly over, the curly haired boy looking curiously at me and another boy, with dark hair styled into a quiff, walks beside him smiling at me.
"You look familiar" he tells me, still smiling, "Oh and I'm Zayn by the way" I shake his hand, as well as the blonde boy, who introduced himself as Niall.
"Oh yeah, I know you" the curly haired boy who's name is still a mystery to me says as I turn to see he's still looking at me. I frown, how?
"You do?" he nods,
"You're in that picture in Louis' room" he indicates to where I'm guessing is Louis' bedroom.
"Oh! Uh...yeah" I pretend to know what picture he's talking about. I really don't. I look back up at Louis who just raises an eyebrow and smiles.

Forever and Always x
Hayran KurguLottie is Louis' cousin. They have been best friends every since they were little, and Louis' very protective of her. When Lottie travels to see Louis, she meets Harry, who almost immediately becomes her worst enemy. All Louis wants is for the pair...