The car journey was horrible. I don't think it could have been worse. Honestly. We argued all the way there and the journey back was just as bad, worse even. All he did was slag me off. It was the worst twenty minutes of my life. NO lie. I actually couldn't wait to get out of the car.
We finally get back, Harry parks the car and turns off the engine.
"Get out" he demands, not even looking at me.
"Pleasure" I snap, quickly stepping out and slamming the door as hard as I can.. I see Harry jump a little and he tries to hide it. I chuckle and walk inside with my bags, Harry following after. Veeery slowly.
"Well, he sure knows how to make a girl feel special!" I say sarcastically to Louis and the other boys, flinging the door in Harry's face as he walks up behind me. He re-opens the door, barging straight past me, heading towards his room.
"NEVER. AGAIN" he growls through gritted teeth as he passes Louis, who gets up, following him.
"Woah, wait!" Harry stops and turns around, "What was wrong with it?" he asks,
"What wasn't?!" Harry holds his hands up by the side of him, looking over Louis' shoulder at me. "All I'm gonna say is this: She is the rudest, most annoying, arrogant bitch I have ever met!" he shouts, aiming his words at me.
"Er, hang on!" I step in, I'm not going to stand there and have him slag me off. "What have I done? I had to sit there the whole time whilst you ripped the shit out of me!"
"What did I say?!" he sounds shocked, acting completely clueless.
"You know exactly what you said! 'You got a boyfriend? No? Didn't think so. Why would you? Face like that. You never smile. What you doing here anyway? You should just go home. Louis doesn't want you here, he just feels sorry for you. And what you wearing? You look like you've been dragged off the streets!'" I yell, mocking him, "And that's not the half of it!". Louis looks back at Harry, as do the other boys.
"You were just as bad! Slating my driving constantly, don't turn around and say this is all me!" he shouts back, ignoring Louis' attempts to shut him up.
"Oh come off it! If you're gonna stand and say that this was all me, then tell me now, that you didn't spend more than half the time we spent in the car, taking the mickey out of me for my looks. Go on, say it!" I yell, and he looks at the ground awkwardly, "You couldn't have kicked my self esteem down harder Harry!" I see him slightly look up but then immediately back down again, as Louis, Niall, Liam and Zayn look on at us both in silence.
"Yeah, well... it was all true! I meant every word of it!" Harry turns around sharply and locks himself in his room. I. HATE. HIS. GUTS.!!!
Louis spends the next half an hour trying to talk to Harry through the door and get him to come out, with no luck. He's having none of it. Harry stays in his room sulking like a little toddler as Louis fails to lure him back out, and the other three boys in turn, continue to ask me if I'm okay and apologising on Harry's behalf as apparently, he's not normally like this. Yeah, of course not.
"I'm fine!" I say for the ten billionth time after I get another-
"Are you sure you're okay?" from the boys. It's sweet, I know, but a little irritating after a while.
I decide to go into my room just to get away from everybody in the end. I make sure to lock the door and wearily slump down onto the bed, staring, expressionless at the ceiling.
Oh what a lucky, lucky girl I must be to be living alongside the one and only, Harry styles! I never saw him as being like this, so rude, so selfish, So... Harry! I mean, what have I actually done to him? I try to be nice to everybody, well... up to a point, there's a line, but still!
He's not gonna get away easy I can tell you that for one thing! I'll get him back. Okay, so I don't quite know how but I'll figure something out. Even if it's just a little something, I'll do something, something to really get on his nerves. Yeah! That's it! Ill properly wind him up, gradually though, like blowing up a balloon, slowly, I'll keep chipping away, just little things, until he finally blows. Pops, just like a balloon.
I giggle a little bit and decide to go back outside with the boys to find out some information about Harry and what annoys him from them.
What do you think? Please comment and let me know! I know it's annoying to ask but could you please check out my other story "What is love?" and comment too?
Thanks love :) Xx

Forever and Always x
FanfictionLottie is Louis' cousin. They have been best friends every since they were little, and Louis' very protective of her. When Lottie travels to see Louis, she meets Harry, who almost immediately becomes her worst enemy. All Louis wants is for the pair...