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The sun is shining on my windowsill
My room lights up like a rainbow
And I lay here wondering
How many other people wake up like me
Under the stars while a rainbow pierces the darkness

Warm waves and stormy streets
When I fall asleep
I'll say goodbye
And I stay asleep
So we can be together a little longer

Seven signs
Warm waves
Infinite stars
And six colors
Gently shatter the craic reverie
The one I revel in frequenting

But this morning was different
Than the others
That I explored my mind
My mind lost on a paseo
To the aberrations of my own brain
As it begins to rain
Only on the path behind me
And the sun shines on the trail
That lies before me

I had a revelation during this glissade
Through my morning thoughts
I've bound these thewless chains
Around my own neck
Although with a sideways smile

I'm breaking the chains
Today the sun shines on

I'm positive that I'm the only person I need to loveWhere stories live. Discover now