Chapter One- A Patchy Childhood

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  Ryan was born 3 months premature, and weighed 2 pounds. It was a mirical she survived. Her mother, Alice, was a beautiful woman with black hair and stunning brown eyes, and her father, Mathew, a handsome man with startling blue eyes and brown hair. Sadly her mother was always sick, and in turn Ryan was born early and inherited a weak body.

    At six months old she been in and out of the hospital 7 times. One of the most prominent close calls happened at 3 months, when she was taking into the hospital because of lathargia. At the hospital her vitals were all good, and she seemed okay. However on there way out she stoped breathing. The doctors fought to revive her but she didnt show any sign of comming back. After 30 minutes they had given up and pronounced her dead, when suddenly she opened her eyes and cracked up laughing. Everyone was startled to the point where no one spoke or even breathed. The doctor had baby Ryan stay at the hospital overnight but she showed no sign of ever having anything wrong. This became a common experience, to the point where her mother stopped taking her to the hospital every time it happened. Her father would simply carry her to her room and tuck her in when it happend. As she grew these events happend less and less often. However, because her frail body she couldn't play with the other kids and had no friends. She grew isolated and alone. However, she found a way to make friends. Just not friends of this world. Black hair, blue eyes weak muscles and pail skin mattered nothing to these friends, because unlike her, they had no body.

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