Chapter 2- Daydreamer

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     It's September 5th, young Ryan stands in front of a large brick school clutching a bag looking lost. She has her black hair braided carefully and her stunning blue eyes peeked out behind purple glasses.

  "Come on Ryan, it'll be okay" her mother gently prods.

   Ryan walks forward and stops in from of the door. Slowly inhaling she pushes at the white glass door and walks in. Her mother held her hand and led her to the right into a large maze like office. A woman sat at a tan desk typing fast. She was a large woman with brown hair that was a total mess and she seemed very frazzled.

  "Um, exuse me?" Alice asked softly, in fear of startling the plump woman.

  "oh my! Sorry dears, hope you haven't been waiting long. My names Mz.fyburn, but call me whatever you like. Things have been so busy what with new enrolment and our other secretary quite and this towns just a been growing so quick..." the woman rambled on.

  Alice sighed and closed her eyes. She relaxed careful to keep standing and let go the way she had many times before. Slowly she felt all the world slip floating up away and finally opened her eyes to the black. Here she wasn't alone, here she could be sure things would be okay. this was arachnida

  "Hey girlie!" said a familiar voice. Looking over Ryan saw a blue light. It looked like a mini star, and it radiated an energy that felt happy. Ryan smiled as she saw, or rather felt, the familiar presence of her friend quinilyn. She was the one who first found ryan when she first visited arachnida as a baby. They immediately became friends and quinilyn became a second mother to ryan. she had helped Ryan back to earth since she didnt know how to return, otherwise she would have died.

   "hey! today's the day." Ryan said. Here she was strong and fast because she like quinilyn no longer had a body. She didnt know how she looked to others, but she knew how she felt, and that was great!

  "yea, but it will be okay! Just remember to be careful and not to talk about arachnida. Others won't understand." quinilyn sighed and spun around dramatically on the word understand.

  "probably..." Ryan said sadly, "I wish you could come with me though"

  "well I will be here waiting at the end of the day, it'll be alright!" said quinilyn

  "Or they will dig out your eyes and feed you to the class pet" said a dark voice. Ryan turned and saw a purple spirit flote by.

   "darn it Jeffery you scared me!" said Ryan.

   "yea the poor girls nervouse enough as it is without your shenanigans." quinilyn said.

  Jeffery glowed brighter than with laughter and spoke "oh she knows I was joking!"

  "no I didn't" Ryan whined. Quinilyn sighed and said

  "see! your gonna give her a heart attack. humans have those things to worry about!" quinilyn said exasperated " speaking of humans you should probably head back. its only been a short bit here but who knows what could be going on to your physical form"

   "yea i guess. wish me luck!" she replied.

   "bye, good luck!" said quinilyn.

Ryan focused on breathing deep to start her heart back up, the way quinilyn had taught her. slowly she felt the ground again and she opened her eyes. as her vision returned she saw the secretary close looking into her eyes looking terrified.

    "Oh dear oh my you scared me honey!" said the Secretary.

   "I'm okay" Ryan whispered.

   "well thats good. your a day dreamer dear, we can fix that though! no worries. lets go meet your class! " she said hurriedly. The woman seemed rushed in her attempt to rid herself of the frail girl.

   ryan sighed as reality settled in and followed the Secretary to her kindergarten class.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 22, 2014 ⏰

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