Chapter 1

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As the bell rang for the end of the period, I rushed out of my Spanish class and went straight to my locker. I thought it was pretty funny that I knew Spanish but I couldn’t pass the class. Maybe it was because the teacher was white? I turned the combination on the lock on my lockers door and I couldn’t help but feel like there were eyes on me. I ignored that feeling and opened my door to leaves falling on me. I let out a small yelp and heard the bitch laughing a little down the hallway. She smirked at me then walked away. I shut my locker and ran as fast as I could to catch up with her and when I did I punched the bitch clean in her face. I pulled her long blond hair and kept punching her in her face regardless of the blood gushing from her nose. I pushed her to the ground and got on top of her as I hit her. Soon, a teacher pried me off of her and I kept kicking the bitch until I was far away from her as possible.

I was escorted to the principal’s office and of course this child molester would take Cassie’s side. As soon as she made her way into the office, I knew my work was done. I smirked at the sight of her busted lip and the bandage on her noise and her shades on.

“Because of the fight ladies, you two both have 2 months suspension”

“What?” Cassie stretched. Hell I didn’t care, I wanted out of this school ASAP!

“You heard me Cassie” Mr. Freidman said holding his hands on his desk. “The way I see it is, you both played a role in this accusation and both of you will pay equally”

“But Mr. Friedman, I’m sure you can make an excuse for me you know considering the fact that I’m on the cheerleading squad and I was the party injured here” she flashed him a little cleavage and He looked like he was thinking.

“Alright Cassie, you get a week suspension”

“What!” I shouted

“As for you young lady, you are expelled!”

“Why am I expelled?”

“You have many strikes on your record and this is the last one, you are expelled from Lincoln High and I do not want to see your face on school grounds or I will have to be authorized to call the authorities.” Cassie smirked at me as he wrote a note for me. “Go get your belongings; I’ll call your sister”

“Mierda con esto yo realmente no necesito esta mierda! No puedo creer que me hayas expulsando a esta perra de mierda pederasta, es por eso que Imma informar a la policía hijo de puta rata gorda” I cursed them out in Spanish and left the office. Of course she got her way. Just because she’s so rich and wealthy, she always gets her way. I went to my locker and threw the remaining leaves on the floor and started outing every book inside this bag I took from the janitor. I threw all of my belongings and even the schools books into the bag. Cassie came up to me as I shut the locker.

“I’m so sorry you have to leave” She said sarcastically. “But look at the bright side, you can finally go to public schools with your type” This racist bitch.

“You know what Cassie, I hope you find a good nose doctor to help fix that little situation of yours” I smirked and I heard her mumble something slick but decided to ignore it.

“Where is she?” I heard my sister shout in the hallway. This isn’t gonna be good.

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