The Escape: Jack G.

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"Let's run away together," Jack Gilinsky explains as he holds your hands in his. Looking into your eyes for agreement as he continues, "as long as I'm with you that's all I need in this life. I only need you." The tears fall from your eyes at this point. You were desperately in love with Jack and would do anything for him, travel any distance for him.
"I'm scared Jack," you sniffle.

"It will be scary Y/N. But I know we will be fine. You love me right?" You quickly nod to answer his question. He smiled before beginning once again, "then let's go Y/N. Let's live our lives together how we always planned to. Let's leave the place that wants us so desperately to be apart. I want you. I love you. I will leave here for you. Even if it is just for a day."

You give a small chuckle followed by a smile. Your eyes meet his as you say, "Tonight. Let's leave tonight. Forget this town." Jack quickly wraps his arms around you and hugs you tightly."Tonight," Jack repeats.

Your parents always wanted the best for you.
The first time they met Jack they weren't too fond of him. After that day, every time you were with him, they disapproved it. They tried desperately to have you break it off but you wouldn't have it. That is what caused this.

It was almost time to leave. You had all the essentials packed. Clothes, food, and money you had saved up. You had about $500 and being with Jack was worth every penny. You left your blinds open and as well as the window.

Any minute now Jack was going to shine his lights through it and your life will finally begin together.

An hour went by, still no Jack. What was taking him so long? Did he chicken out? You called multiple times but every time it would go straight to voicemail. Two hours. It was now 2 in the morning and no sign of Jack. As you were about to give up all hope you see the lights. Relief comes to you and you automatically pick up your bag and go through the window. As you approach the car door you see Jack. His face didn't read happy, instead it was the opposite. "Jack, what's wrong? Where were you? You were supposed to be here 2 hours ago."

"I can't do this Y/N. I can't take you away from your family. It wasn't right for me to force you to leave. They love you as well."
You can see how much pain he was in. He was holding back tears, not even looking at you. You put your hands to his chin and force him to look at you as you begin, "Jack I love you.

I would do anything to be with you. If it means to leave my family, I would. For us. If they truly love me Jack, they would let us be together. Now let's go before it's too late." With that being said, he lets the tear fall down and then turns the car on.

As he pulls the car out of the driveway, your front door opens. The headlights lighting it up so you were able to see who it was perfectly. Your mother. Half awake, standing there in her pajamas covered with a robe.

You could hear her but nothing was going to change your mind. "Y/N? Y/N! Stop! Get back her-" that was it. You were too far it hear what else was being said. Jack took your hand and it brought you some peace. There was no turning back now, and you didn't want to. You were with the man you love and that's all that mattered.


Hope you liked this imagine of Jack G. I Was spending my whole day writing this imagine while watching USA win today .

Okay I gotta go bye !


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