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I'VE LEARNED many things about many sports from my dad, but I consider soccor his go-to. He's managed football players, boxers, volleyball players and even tennis players. Soccor is something he's always had his eye on, but said that he doesn't have the time and money for that. I call bullshit.

I can already tell he's getting ready to manage someone else. He let his star football player, Ronald Urminski, go his own route with another manager. Because that's what he does. He takes starlet players and makes them into something big and when the big part happens, he lets them go.

I can tell because he's made my favorite dinner and he's cracking lame dad jokes and he kissed my forehead when I sat down at the table. And he's smiling.

"So..." he starts off.

"A little more originality would be nice, Dad." He looks at me with raised eyebrows. "Every time you get a new client, you do the same thing. Next time, can you take me to a concert or buy me a new car?" My dad chuckled, wiping the marina sauce from his mouth.

"Alright, alright," he sighs. "So there's this boy. He's a fantastic soccer player and I've been watching his games over the past couple of weeks. He's quick, y'know? Goes by Lightning." His whole face is lit up, forefingers drumming on the table out of excitement. I love seeing my dad like this. "He's fresh outta school and get this Libby." He raises his hands up a little bit. "He's Irish." I let out a laugh.

"Are you serious?" I ask, putting down my fork. "You're going to manage an Irish soccer player?"

"Yeah, why not?" He gives me a big grin. "Whatcha think?" I rest my elbows on the hard wood [a/n: that wasn't ok].

"Well," I pretend to think it over. "I think that maybe we should start calling soccer football." He claps his hands.

"That's my girl!" He gives me a high five. I giggle. "I'll be going over to Ireland to watch him up close and get to know him personally."

"When are you leaving?"

"This Saturday, then I'll be back next Saturday." I pause, taking a deep breath. Another week that I'll be alone. "I'm coming back, Liberty." I give him a weak smile.

"I know, I know." I nod. "Wait, if you're managing an Irish soccer player, then..." Wouldn't he have to move there permanently? Or is he going there to check him out then come back and working with him from a distance? Or is Lightnig coming here to America?

"If I like this guy, then he"ll be moving here. In fact, I thought that he could have the guest house out back."

"Have you talked to him?" My dad nods, shuffling in his seat before standing up and putting his dishes in the sink.

"I have, he said that he's willing to do anything. He's pretty thrilled."

"What's his name?"

"Niall Horan, I think."

"That's a very Irish name," I say and he chuckled.

"So how's school?" This came as a surprise. I know my dad loves me but ever since my mom died, he's been forgetful and I wasn't sure if he knew I even went to school anymore. I don't blame him but it stings a little.

"It's been good," He takes my own empty plate and starts washing them off. I take a sip of my water.

"Are you still friends with Claudia?" I choke on the water.

"Oh my god," I shake my head. He looks at me, utterly shocked at my reaction. "That was the first grade." My dad winces.

"I'm such an ass of a father." He sighs.

"It's okay, you didn't know."

"I think that's the point," he sighs again, twisting off the tap and flicking the water off his hands. I nodded slowly. "What about Raven?"

"Rachel." He slaps his palm onto his forehead.

"How about you tell me who you hang out with."

"Rachel, yes, Andrew, Mikala and Lucas. And plenty of others."

"You being careful around those boys?" He asks, raising an eyebrow. I roll my eys and he scolds me. "They only want one thing, y'know. I was a teenage boy once."

"Oh my god, Dad! I know, okay." I cover my ears.

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