Entry III

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The POV of Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy

Rose. What a lovely name for such a lovely girl, I thought in my head watching as she left. I turned around to see my twin sister staring in Roses' direction with a horrible glare. I sneered at my sister, she stopped. Her face turning red as a tomato and her hair turning an assortment of colors. This always happens to her when she is embarrassed, stressed or nervous.

Sometimes I pity her. Rowan likes to make her self look like mother although she really looks more like me and father. The tree of us have blond, almost white, hair, pale skin and stormy grey eyes. She covers it up with icy blue eyes and dark brown hair. Sometimes I think she hates the fact she is a Malfoy. When someone knows she is a Malfoy and calls her by that name she quickly turns into her real self. As in what she really looks like. But when she meets a lot of new people who don't know her she sort of disguises her self. I sighed, we said good bye to mother and father.

"Good bye Scorpius, Rowan. Do have a good year and behave yourselfs. Remember it doesn't matter what house you are in, your father and i will always love the both of you." mother said kissing us goodbye while father stood there and smiled waving us goodbye.

"Good bye mother and father. I'll try my best to behave." I replied waving and boarding the train.

"Do try to make friends Rowan" I heard mother say to Rowan.

"Goodbye mama and papa. I will try mama." Rowan said quietly.

She boarded the train and walked behind me.

"Vic, do you want to sit with me and my buddies?" I asked my sister using her nickname.

She doesn't like us calling her Ro so we shortened her middle name, Victory.

"Nah. I'll find a compartment to myself." she told me.

"okay. If you need me just come. OK?" I said to her

She nodded in response

I went to go find my friends and Vic went to find an empty compartment.

Vic never really liked my friends. Thomas prince always bugged her, Derrick Parkinson was always Too nice to her, Polly Parkinson is mean to everyone. The only reason i'm 'friends' with her is because of her brother. Last is Greg Groyle Vic just doesn't like him, she wont explain why. She just constantly glares at him. One time I asked her if she fancied him, I almost lost my tongue that day.

Really the only friend Vic has is Alice Longbottom. Mum is friends with Alice's mother, Luna Longbottom, so when we where much much younger they were introduced and became friends.

I found a compartment with a tall dark skinny boy with Golden hair and brown eyes. A short dark pug faced looking girl with black eyes and purple hair. A fat blob of soon-to-be wizard eating chocolate in the corner of the compartment. And a Boy with long light brown hair and green eyes playing with a muggle magic set. Well I found my compartment.....my mind wandered to a certain fiery Red head then to my sister. I wonder if she is okay. I was debating whether or not to go back to her. But it was to late I had been dragged in to the compartment.

"BLOODY HELL DERRICK! What was that for." I yelled at Derrick . His brown eyes where examining me.

"Are you feeling well mate? You were just standing there with a goofy smile plastered on your face." Derrick said still examining me.

"ya I'm good." I muttered pushing him away.

"where is your sister?" Thomas questioned

"She is with Alice. Girl talk so don't go and disturb them." I lied

They all nodded

"So what's up with you?" Polly asked her voice high and squeaky.

I shrugged "nothing really."

"What house do you guys want to be in?" Polly asked all of us.

"Slytherin or Ravenclaw would be fine." I answered

"Hufflepuff or Slytherin." Thomas said

"Slytherin." Derrick replied

We all looked at Greg. He looked back at us and shrugged.

"Cool. Well I want to be in Slytherin as well." Polly said

We all nodded in reply.

I was still worried about Vic. I sat down and in the corner of my eye I saw a huge group of red heads and a few darker hair colors pass by.

"Well look at all the half-Bloods and Blood-Traitors" Polly huffed out seeing them pass by.

I ignored her.

"I'm going to change into my robes." Thomas said standing up

"so will I." I also said getting up from my seat.

The both of us headed to change.

We close the compartment door then Thomas started up a conversation.

"where is your sister really?" Thomas asked me

"I told you already." I answered

"But that was a lie." he stated

I glared at him "why do you care where Vic is?"

We both changed then continued our conversion.

"I just feel like knowing. I don't like to be lied to and I swear I wont tell the others." He told me

"Fine." I said "swear you won't say."

"I swear in the name of Merlin's Beard." Thomas said one hand against his heart the other held up.

"Okay. She wanted to be by herself so she went to find an empty compartment. " I told Thomas quietly

He nodded in understanding way.

We got back to the compartment and sat down

The trolley Lady came by and I got one Box of Every Flavored Beans, three Chocolate Frogs, and Two Licorice Wands.

I sat back and enjoyed the company and candy.

But my sister and Rose were still in the back of my head.

The POV of Thomas Adam Prince

I'm worried about Vic.

She NEVER wants to be alone. I know I'm always a bit rude to her but I still have a heart, and I do care. Now thinking about it Vic usually is alone. She only has her Mom, Dad, Scorp, and Alice.

I swear that I will try to be friends with her this year.

I don't want her to be alone, truly I do care for her. Me and Scorp are best mates and shes like a little sister to me, I just tease her a bit too much.


to the side is Draco but just pretend its our little Scorpius since they are said to look sooooo alike


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