Entry IV

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The POV of Rowan Victory Mallory Malfoy

Rose stuck her hand out for me to shake. I smiled and shook it, turning my hair back to brown and my eyes to blue.

"why did you change. You look fine with the whole "Malfoy look'." Rose asked

"well, I do like the way my mother looks and i'm not in the mood of being identical to Scorp right now." I replied snickering in the end.

"oh." she said "Well we can be friends right? You don't seem to hate me. But i must ask why you were glaring at me?"

"Naw, I don't hate you." I told her "I wasn't sure who you were, and im not good around strangers." It was not really a lie. Truthfully I don't know why I was so upset.

"Friends?" she asked smiling hopefully.

"Ya. Why not? Friends." I replied grinning. Mama wanted me to make new friends. she never said I couldn't be friends with a Weasley.

Rose striked up a conversation

"What house do you want to be in?" she asked me

I thought about it. I don't really care....just as long as it's NOT Gryffindor. Mama said she would love us no matter what house we got sorted into. Bu i'm not to sure about Papa... he just doesn't like Gryffindors. So I answered:

"Truthfully I don't care. Just not Griffindor, my father might want to disinherit me."

Rose smiled 'Im on the same boat just my Father says he'll disinherit me if I'm NOT in Gryffindor. But to me it doesn't matter as long as a get good O.W.Ls and have friends."

we laughed and smiled.

turns out Rose and I have a lot in common. We both like reading, Quidditch, Hopeful Harpies(It's a band), we HATE the Parkinson's, we both have Brothers, just her's is younger by two years and Scorp is older than me by two minutes, and so much more. We laughed and laughed till the trolley lady came.

"Hello. Would you like anything from the trolley dearies?" the trolley lady asked

I bought two box's of Every Flavored beans, six Chocolate Frogs and three Peppermint Toads

Rose bought three Chocolate Frogs, two Chocoballs and one Cauldron Cake.

we snacked on our treats sharing some.

"Rowan. can you make your self look like me?" Rose asked me

"I can try.. and you can call me Vic or Mal if you'd like. My middle names are Victory and Mallory." I said

she nodded

I made my hair turn Red like the colour of Rose's Hair, green like her eyes, I let freckles pop up on my face and my face flushed with color .

Rose just stared at me. "Wow....that is amazing." she muttered "I wish I was a Metamorphmagus."

"No you don't it hurts and requires a lot of trial and error unless someone teaches you..." I told her.

she nodded and looked out the window. It was getting dark and we were near Hogwarts.

We sighed, we would get sorted soon.

The compartment door opened, I looked to see who it was. Thomas Prince was standing there looking at us. Opps i still look like Rose I thought quickly changing back to my brown hair and blue eyed self.

"Hey Vic.." Thomas said his green-brownish eyes staring curiously at me.

"Hey Tom." I replied "This is Rose, Rose this is my friend Thomas Prince." Thomas smiled at this waving to Rose, she waved back smiling shyly.

"I just came to check on you Vic , Scorp said you might be in this compartment." He told me.

I smiled and said "Okay Tom...Thank you for checking on me, I thought I was forgotten."

"Ya well you seem to be fine... and you have company, so see ya at Hogwarts!" Tom said with a lop sided grin, jumping back to his compartment.

You can never understand what goes through that kids' head, he is absolutely weird. It may seem I hate him,but truly he is not all that bad.

"That was your friend?" Rose asked me.

I grinned "Yup" was my only reply.

the train came to a Holt, you could see Hogwarts from here. Its lights illuminating the lake and the night sky. It was even more amazing than I had expected, it was absolutely lovely. Rose and I stared mesmerized by it's beauty. We grabbed our small bags and rushed off the train to meet Hagrid, get on the boats and get to Hogwarts.

As we stepped out of the train I changed to my 'Malfoy look' as Rose calls it. I wanted people to see me getting sorted like this, not for them to know that Rowan Malfoy was Brown haired and Blue eyed, that would ruin my cover for the next seven years. I couldn't let that happen.

I jumped off the train and followed Rose to Hagrid, we smiled joyfully and I got on a boat with Rose, Thomas and Scorp.

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