Chapter 3: Total Meltdown

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It was now the next day after the sleepover at the Autobots base. I had just awoken from my sleep and sat up stretching while looking around. Sari was still fast asleep in her sleeping bag, while I saw Prime walk out from the hallway. "Morning Optimus, did you sleep well?" I had asked him. He looked to me and smiled while walking over.

"Good Morning Zen, and yes I slept fine. How about yourself?"
"I slept fine as well," I told him while getting out of my sleeping bag then walking over to my bike, where my backpack was located. Prime watched me as I grabbed my work clothes out.

"You're getting ready early, are you going somewhere?" He asked me and I nodded to him.

"Yeah I'm heading out to work, I just have to change first," I told him while grabbing my extra clothes from my bag. I had walked into a separate room that was near the assembly line, that looked to be the old workers break room. I had shut the door and changed my clothes. After I had changed I looked around the room. Maybe, I can turn this room into a place for me to do some work and a place where Sari and I can keep our own refrigerated food... I should ask Prime if I can do renovations in here. I thought to myself. I had picked my clothes up and walked out of the room to my bike not noticing the others were awake and in the living room until I heard someone say my name. I looked over and to the bots and saw them all staring at me along with Sari. "Yeah wassup?" I asked them as I raised a brow and put my hair into a low ponytail this time for work. Bee had tilted his head.
"Where are you going so early this morning?" Bee asked me, but before I could say anything Sari spoke up.
"Ooo, are you going to work? Can I come with you?!" She asked all excited.
"Sorry Sari, you can't come with me today," I told her while putting my things in my bag and closing it. She groaned and pouted at me. The others seemed interested and asked what was on all their minds Prowl asked, "Where do you work Zen?" I looked at them and stretched then sat on my bike.
"I work at the Dancing Dragon Cafe, which is owned by my parents," I told them in reply.
"When will you be back?" Bulkhead had asked me.
"My shift ends later on tonight since the Club will be opened tonight," I told him in return. Being confused Optimus raised an optic ridge.
"Club? I thought you said you worked at a cafe." He said crossing his arms. Before I could tell him Sari jumped in again.
"Her family's Cafe is in one building, while they have a nightclub connected next door. It's a really cool place, even though I never been there at night." Sari said to the guys as I nodded at them, to confirm what she had said.

"What do you do, at your jobs kid?" Ratchet asked next. I looked to him saying,
"At the cafe, I work as a Waitress, while at the club I work as a barista, and sometimes a DJ when we don't have a person to make music."
"What's a DJ?" Bee asked me, I told him Dj stood for a disc jockey, It is a person who mixes different sources of pre-existing recorded music as it is playing, usually for a live audience in a nightclub or dance club or via broadcasting. He just nodded in understanding after that. I looked at my watch and put my helmet on. "Sorry you guys I need to head out now I will see you all later," I told them as I started up my bike. Sari and them all waved to me saying goodbye and have a safe trip to work. I told them I would and left.

Time Skip

I had finally gotten to work which only took me a short amount of time. Thanks to the heavens there was no traffic. I thought to myself as I pulled up into the back of the building parking my bike and went through the back door. As I walked in I saw my mother working on some foods for the day. "Morning Mom," I said to her as I kissed her cheek. She smiled at me and turned back to making the food while saying,
"Morning Sweetie, how was your sleepover last night with Sari and your friends?" I stopped for a second when she asked me that before I continued putting my apron on. I can't tell her 'Oh yeah it was going great until we almost died' she would never let me go back there ever again. I thought to myself then smiled at her.

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