The Captive

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"How the hell did we just manage to take this guy?" Dwight eyed the captive sitting in the back of the van. Him and Simon had sneaked their way into The Kingdom, stealing a guy from his bed. Jerry was his name they thought. He was one of the Ezekiel's bodyguards it seemed.

"Does it matter? We got him. Now we take him back to Negan." Simon replied. Dwight frowned after looking away. He glanced over to Simon who was stiff in the shoulders, his knuckles white on the steering wheel.

"So what is up between you and the big guy?" Dwight asked.

Simon remained quiet, eyes on the road. He sent a sideways glance to his companion before looking away. "None of your business."

"I overheard you and Allie talking yesterday. He was threatening to kick you guys out." Dwight said, his eyes melded to the dashboard.

"You been eavesdropping too?" Simon asked while shaking his head. "Great, now it is both of you."

"I wasn't going to Simon. Can't help it if you guys are just outside my door talking. Shit man." Dwight rubbed his nose.

Simon sighed. "I don't blame you man, its just-" He adjusted himself in the seat. "Allie thinks this is about Annalise and all it is ever about."

Dwight's eyes went back to the empty road. "And she is right to think that. Annalise is still very young. She probably doesn't even understand what is happening around her."

"Guess you've got a point." Simon agreed. "Think our guest is doing alright?"

"Would assume so. Still out cold."

They would pull into the Sanctuary about an hour later. The sun was barely peaking over the trees. Negan and Allie stood outside, waiting for them. "Got ourselves a new guest." Negan would say to Allie. "Let's do the most polite thing and greet him."

Simon and Dwight hopped out, heading towards the back of the van. They unlatched the doors and opened them to reveal the chubby man sitting up against the side. They both climbed in and yanked him out. He must have been heavy if it took two of them to lift him to his feet. "Guys not the most lightweight we've had." Dwight commented, grunting as they dropped him.

Negan pressed Lucille to his neck, lifting his head up. "Doesn't look awake either." He removed Lucille, glancing over to Allie. "Allie Bird, mind grabbing something that'll wake this baboon."

"Uh sure." Allie entered the Sanctuary, came back with a bucket of brisk cold water. "Will this do?"

"Sure will." Negan winked. "Hold my girl." He twirled Lucille, her handle now extended to her. She nodded, taking hold of the wooden handle. Allie felt wrong holding a weapon that was accounted for many brutal deaths. It should be named Satan. She let it hang by her side, not wanting to look at her.

Negan let out a groan before dumping the bucket's contents upon the captive's head. He stirred alive, looking up bewildered at the four of them. "W-what is this?"

"Welcome-what was this fools name?"

"Jerry, I believe." Simon replied.

"Ah yes, Jerry." Negan's smile peaked. "Welcome to The Sanctuary my friend."

"Negan! You are a dead man." Jerry huffed, spluttering at them. "Also worst shower ever."

"Oh ho, this guy is funny." Negan said sarcastically. "I like that." His smile widened.

"You asshats just took me from my bed? That's cold man." Jerry glanced up to the sky, the sun rising now.

Suddenly, Negan slugged him, Allie winching at the sight. He grabbed him by his armor, forcing him to look at him. Blood tinkled down his head now in long streaks. Negan smiled again. "Oh so sorry for that. But we need you to do something for us."

"You just clocked me. Think I'm gonna help you?" Jerry spat some blood in his face. Negan's expression suddenly going dark.

Dwight and Simon shook their heads. "Shouldn't of done that."

"Jerry, I was being nice to you. Now I can't be!" Negan sneered, his eyes narrowing. "Allie, Lucille - now."

Allie winched at the sound of his roaring voice, quickly handing Lucille over. He had a permanent scowl upon his face as he pressed Lucille's barbed end to his neck. "I will happily make a message of you if you don't corporate. Place your head to sharp ass stick and plant it outside for your "King" to see."

Jerry had a fearful look on his face, his eyes wider than softballs. Him and Negan were in a death stare before he nodded. "Yes, ok. I'll do what you say." He replied shakily.

The touch of Lucille upon his neck lightened up as Negan took deep breath in through his nose. He cracked his neck before his expression went back to normal. "Now that - is what I like to hear." He pointed with Lucille, the smile fading in. "Simon, Dwight. Put him in one of our cells. We'll discuss what happens next."

Simon gave a nod, going over and picking Jerry up along with Dwight. "Move." Dwight would say with his gun pushed to his back.

Allie was about to follow them when Negan barricaded her with Lucille. "Allie Bird. I want you to go with Simon tonight."

"To the deal? Why?" She asked, turning towards him.

"I want you to watch him for me." Negan replied, caressing Lucille's bend.

"You think he's gonna kill them."

"I know he's going to kill them. I may not be able to control him as well anymore. But you can." Negan smirked.

Allie wasn't sure what to say. All she knew is Negan was trusting her - for once. Which wasn't common for him. But he sees something in her that she still isn't sure is. Guess it was time to play along with it.

"Alright. If you say so." Allie agreed. She was about to walk away before he stopped her again.

"And Allie - remember. Only one." Negan had one finger up as an indicator.

Allie reluctantly nodded.

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