Chapter One

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We stepped out of the truck and into the cold autumn afternoon. The leaves were a bright shade of orange and some fading into their natural color of brown. The cool breeze slapped my cheek. I withdrew my luggage from the truck, heavy and tough. I probably overpacked for this trip which would only last a few nights. But who knew what would happen, I needed to be prepared. Victoria, my adopted sister (I was actually the adopted one), hopped out of their car followed by her twin, Jade. "White Walls" blared through my phone speakers, our high-pitch voices ringing above it. People turned and looked as I noticed Victoria making funny faces at them in return. "Victoria!" my mother lectured. "Yusss?" "Stop that!" me and my sisters looked at each other and began to cackle manically. We began to make our way through the parking lot as we sang our souls out. This was it, tomorrow was Playlist Live.


"This is gonna be great!" Jade exclaimed as she shoved the key card into the door. We stepped into the room and threw our bags to the side, next to the bed. We plopped down on a bed, side by side as our mom walked in. "It seems like you guys are good here so I'm gonna head back home okay? Be careful, take care of yourselves, I left Victoria with the money." "Why! That's not fair!" Jade shouted, sitting up. "Because she's the oldest!" my mom shouted as Jade rolled her eyes. The whole time Victoria did a victory dance and Jade hit here with a pillow. "Ouch! RUDE!" Victoria screamed. Jade chuckled to herself and I slid myself onto my feet. "Bye mom!" I said, pulling her in for a hug. "Bye Camryn, be good!" she said as she then hugged my sisters and turned on a heel, making her way out of the room quickly and quietly. "So, what do you guys wanna do?" I asked. "Well, we can explore the premises and then go for dinner. I hear there's an Ihop around!" Jade shot up. "And how do you suppose we get there?" I asked. "I brought my car remember?" "Oh yeah. Are you guys gonna change first or are you gonna wear this?" "I'm probably gonna change." Victoria said, picking up her bag. "Well I'm gonna unpack. Who's bed is who's?" I questioned. "We'll take the bed by the window, you can have the bed by the door. Just in case there's a fire." Jade winked. I rolled my eyes as I grabbed my bag and threw it on my bed. 

I began to take out all of my stuff, and throwing it in the drawer under the TV. There were three  drawers and I took the top one, it was most convenient. I stacked my jeans, leggings, sweatpants and pajama shorts on the left, my sweatshirts and other tops on the right and my underwear and socks in the middle. I stuck my journal under my underwear and shut the drawer. Turning, the girls were rummaging through their bags trying to figure out what to wear. I removed my bathroom items from my bag and made my way to the bathroom, stacking my makeup on one side, facewash next to the sink and the shower stuff into the shower. I walked back into the bedroom as I heard arguing. "I want the right side of the bed!" "No I want it! I need to be closer to the window just in case I need to turn on the air conditioning!" I smiled to myself as I set up my laptop on my bed, plugging it into the wall. 

At around 3:30 I logged into my twitter. I signed into my account and checked some of my favorite Youtubers whereabouts. Tyler Oakley had arrived at the hotel earlier and hasn't tweeted since. Acacia Brinley didn't tweet in a few hours but last thing she said was that she was boarding her flight. That was five hours ago. Then, I checked the boys of my favorite Youtube channel, OurPizzaGang. It was Alex, Hudson, Zach, Justin and the boy I've been crushing on forever, Jake Foushee. They had all arrived to the hotel a little under an hour ago, there was a selfie posted in the lobby, ONLY SEVEN MINUTES AGO. "Uhh, guys?" I attempted to get their attention. "OurPizzaGang may or may not be in the lobby right now and umm, we should go and see them because OurPizzaGang..." "WHAT A ND I LOOK LIKE THIS!? I CAN'T I CANNOT YOU GO I WILL MEET YOU IN A HALF HOUR WHEN I LOOK LIKE A HUMAN RATHER THAN A BEAST!" Victoria exclaimed. "See you in a bit Cam." Jade smiled and blew me a kiss. I hopped off of my bed, grabbed my phone and ran to the elevators.


I exited the elevator, pannning the room. None of the guys were in sight. I stepped out, slightly dissapointed,until a familiar face caught my eye. Hudson Luthringshausen. My stomach tied in knots and I felt as if I were going to cry. No.fucking.way. I turned and covered my mouth as if to suppress my crying, and turned back. I could do this. I rethought my outfit choice, only wearing a purple sweater, a pair of leggings and a pair of boots. Not too bad, I'll live. My hair was kind of a mess though. I hadn't straightened it so it was my naturally wavy state, and not cute wavy. Oh well, this is something that I have to do.  

I turned and looked back at him. His eyes met mine and a slight smile grew on my face. He returned it as I began walking towards him. Behind a plant that had been blocking my view, I saw Justin and Zach. Hudson's eyes stayed locked on mine as I made my way across the lobby and up to the trio.

"Excuse me?" I interrupted their conversation. They were laughing until they turned to look at me with somewhat kind smiles. "Hey." they each said with a slight wave. "Uhh, I saw you guys over here and couldn't help but to recognize you. You see, I watch you guys on OurPizzaGang, I'm a huge fan." I gushed with a smile. "Oh well it's very nice to meet you!" Zach said. "Yes it is. What's your name?" Hudson asked. "I'm Camryn." I attempted to sound poliet. "Well, I'm Hudson, this is Zach and Justin." "Dude, she knows who we are she just said she watches us." Justin interjected causing us to laugh and Hudson to smile. "Hey, I was just trying to be poliet!" Hudson pointed out. "Mhmm, yeah oh-kay." Justin smirked shaking his head. "So, I was wondering if I could possibly grab a picture with you guys?" I asked. "Oh yeah of course!" they answered. First, I snapped a photo with Zach. Next, with Justin and finally with Hudson. Justin took the picture of me and Hudson, we were hugging in the picture. 

"Thanks." I smiled widely as I gave all of them a quick squeeze. We talked for a while longer until I recieved a text from Victoria telling me to go back to the hotel room because she needs help with what to wear. "Well, I probably should be heading back, I heard you guys were here and wanted to come check it out. Me and my sisters are heading to Ihop and I have to help one of them with what to wear." "Okay sounds good, we actually might be heading out there too, maybe we'll see you there." Zach smiled. "Oh yeah that'd be cool! We're gonna go in a bit, would you guys want to like meet up?" I suggested. Hudson opened his mouth to say something before Zach chimed in with "We'd love to." "Okay, sounds good. DM me what time you guys are gonna be there." 

They each followed me on my personal and fan accounts along with my sisters. I hugged them quickly as I wished them all a goodbye and turned back towards the elevators. I felt their eyes still on me as I hit the button and texted my sisters. "Guys, we have company tonight."

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