Chapter Two

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I got back to the room in what could have been record timing. I knocked frantically on the door. They hadn't seen my text message. "What oh my gosh!" Victoria answered the door. I was slightly shaking. "Well, uh. We have company for dinner tonight." I said. "Really!?" Jade squealed from behind. I nodded with a smile. "OurPizzaGang wants to join us for dinner?" Victoria asked. "Well, I spoke to Zach, Justin and Hud. They seemed pretty keen on it. I'm not sure if they're gonna bring Jake and Alex but let's hope so." "Fingers crossed!" Jade shouted. "God damn it Camryn, now I have to change again!" Victoria raised her voice. I laughed as I stepped over to my bed, phone in hand. I showed the girls my photos with the guys before my phone went off. I had gotten a DM from Hudson. "Hey we're leaving in ten, we'll save you a seat (:" "Sounds good, thanks so much. Victoria is changing again so we'll see you there!" Sent. I remained on twitter, scrolling through my timeline. I tweeted that I was going to Ihop (not mentioning anything about the boys) and that I was looking forward to the chocolate chip pancakes. I did love me some chocolate chip pancakes, especially with whip cream...yum. 

"I'm ready!" Victoria said as she finally had decided on an outfit choice.A maroon t-shirt/ crop top, a pair of black leggings, Doc Martins and a flannel. Classic Victoria outfit. "Me too!" Jade emerged from the bathroom. She was wearing an off-white sweater, a pair of black leggings also and a pair of off-white boots. "You guys look beautiful." I gushed. "Aww thanks, you too munchkin. Now, let's go!"

Soon after we set off into the chilled afternoon. The cool breeze turned into a harsher wind, freezing me slightly. I jumped into the backseat. "Turn on the heat!" I demanded. "Oh shut up!" Victoria shouted back, starting the car and cranking the heat. I rubbed my arms in reaction to the cool weather, I haven't been this cold in a while. The winter was certainly coming. 

A few chilling minutes later we pulled into the Ihop parking lot. I jumped out of the car and rushed towards the front door. "Calm down Cam." Jade winked. I smiled widely as I rolled my eyes and opened the door, my sisters trailing close behind. "How many?" the waitress asked. "We're with a group of a few people, they're already he-" "Camryn!" a table in the back shouted. It was three tabled pushed together in the back of the resturaunt. Familiar faces immediately drew my face into a smile. Justin, Zach, Hudson, Alex, Clay Borrell, Alexia Raye, Gabby Berry and Jake. To be completely honest I wasn't smiling because of Alexia and Gabby, I wasn't really a big fan of them. But seeing the boys and Clay made my heart feel as if it were going to explode from excitement. 

I led the girls to the table as the guys began to wave. "Hey Cam, these must be those sisters you were talking about." Zach said. "Yeah, this is Victoria and Jade." They introduced themselves to everyone and I introduced myself to Clay, and the girls. The girls took their seat, (it was funny because Victoria was in between Alex and Alexia, her favorite and her least favorite people on the planet) and I still hadn't introduced myself to Jake...but the seat I was instructed to take was right next to him. This should be interesting. 

My stomach drew in knots upon knots as I sat quietly next to Jake. I felt his eyes on me as I sat. "Well hi." his voice was smooth, like a knife through butter. "Hey." I said, turning to look up at him. His hazel eyes locked on mine and I felt as if I were going to a good way. "I'm Jake, you're Camryn right?" I nodded. "Yeah, that's Camryn, she runs a fan account for us and she's really funny but she's also really cool so it works." Hudson winked. I felt myself blush at the compliment, I was flattered what else was I to do? "Very cool, I think I've seen your tweets on twitter before." "Really?" I asked, slightly embarrassed. He nodded. You see, I've tweeted some really inappropriate things about Jake Foushee. Oh god.

The evening continued and more conversation emersed. Alex and Victoria were hitting it off (as planned) with slight (but unphasing) interruptions from Alexia. Jade seemed to be getting along with everyone and Jake and I...I don't even know. We talked about basically everything. Our table's conversation ranged from the point of life to the way that soccer teams have been playing lately. I think we were hitting it off, it seemed to be going well. All I know is that by the end of the evening, we were getting ready to go home when the question was raised "What are you guys doing tonight?" And then, we had actual plans with our favorite Youtubers to hang out, for real. This could not be getting any better.

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