Chapter Three

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We got back to the hotel at around seven-thirty.The night was young but so were we. We had time on our hands and could do absolutely anything. "Well, I'll see you in a little bit." Jake winked at me. "Yeah, I'll uhh, se you in a bit." I responded. He moved towards me opening his arms slightly and slithered them around my back. He squeezed me tightly as the scent of vanilla filled my nose. He was a sweet guy. And as he released me I felt a sense of dissapointment, as if I'd wished he didn't let go. I gave him a kind smile as the rest of the guys (and girls) came up to me and wished me a temporary goodbye. "Meet us back here in twenty, we can go exploring." Clay told me with a large smile. I looked to my right to see Alex holding Victoria's phone and Victoria had an impatient look on her face. "His number." I whispered to myself. "Huh?" Clay replied. "Nothing." They went towards one set of elevators while we went off towards another. 

About two minutes later we arrived to our room. I jumped and lay across my bed, expanding and just letting it all sink it. "You just had a legitiment dinner and conversation with OPG. Camryn, you just sat next to and made eye contact with Jacob Tillman Foushee." I thought to myself. A smile grew wide on my face as I buried it into the mattress. "You alright there?" Jade asked giggling slightly. "No! Do you realize what just happened!?" I whisper yelled. "Yes, I was there. I believe I know." Jade smirked. "Cam, you had to see the way he looked at you!" "No." I replied. "Yes" the two answered in unison. "Ugh, I hope he thinks I'm okay. We really seemed to get along ya know?" "You totally did. Don't even stress." Victoria answered. "But did you see how Alex and you got along you sneaky bitch!?" I shouted. "Shh! We're gonna get complaints! And why am I the sneaky bitch!" "Because, I saw him slip his number into your phone. and you weren'teven planning on telling us hmph!" I turned my nose up and the other way. "I was! But we're gonna see them in a few so I was just gonna tell them after. Now go fix your eyeliner it smeared." I rolled my eyes and made my way to the bathroom to fix my makeup.

Staring at myself in the mirror I obseverd my face. To be completely honest I thought I looked like a lizard or maybe a frog. I hated my face but I took pride in my makeup. Thank god she'd sent me to fix it. I adjusted my eyeliner, reapplied my mascara and face powder and decided to apply some pink lipstick that I'd gotten myself earlier in the year from Sephora. I popped my lips and nodded at myself, hitting the lights on my way out. 

We ran out the door and dove for the elevator, packed with people. A few Youtubers were in there too, vlogging in the squished area, I had no clue who they were but they were still there, filming away. You see, I'd be filming as well but I decided not to film this weekend just for the fact that I wanted to experience and just have the memories and stories to tell. I felt that if I filmed it, I'd be missing out on what's actually going on.

In the lobby, everyone had gathered. Groups of Youtubers and groups of fans had gathered around in all different directions. I dm'd Zach "Where are you?" We looked around for a minute more before my phone went off. "Over by the big fake plants in the lobby. Where are you?" I searched around for the fake plants before a saw a curley head poking around in searching for us. Our eyes met as he grinned his Zach like grin. "Guys." I pointed over to Zach as we made our way over to him and the other guys. 

 We were greeted polietly by everyone and many awkward waves and hugs were shared around. Jake stepped up beside me, his arms crossed as he nudged himself into my side. "Ready to go?" he asked.  "Go where?" "I 'm not sure, hey guys where do you wanna go?" "On an adventure!" Justin joked. "Yeah, totally realistic." Clay laughed. "Hey, it doesn't need to be far from the hotel, let's go walk around!" We all settled and agreed to just walking around was the best choice. We walked in kind of a big pile, it was more of bits and pieces, Alex and Vic were walking together. So was Jade alongside Alexia and Justin. Clay was walking with Hudson and Zach, it was pretty cool.Speaking of cool it was getting cold out. 

Jake and I were walking together. Finding ourselves in a heated argument on Romeo and Juliet (weird I know). "It was the most epic love story of all time!" he shouted. "It was two horny teenagers not listening to their parents and they died, nothing very epic about that." I laughed, rubbing my arms for warmth. "You're only saying that because you're upset you had to watch Leonardo Dicaprio die." "If I was that upset then why would I have watched the Great Gatsby!?" He rolled his eyes as Alex ran up behind us and grabbed both of our shoulders. "Hey dorks, have you got a second to take a picture of me and Victoria?" "Yeah sure." I replied, turning around. I took the phone from his hand, opened the camera and focused the picture on them. "Say cheese!" I said. "Gay." Victoria replied. 

"Take the picture already!" Victoria shouted after a few seconds of me trying to stay still. "I can't stop shaking! I'm freezing!" I laughed. Just then, a warm pair of arms slipped around me and two hands landed ontop of mine. "Smile!" Jake said from behind as I clicked the button. "Thanks." I said, handing the camera back to Alex. "Anytime." Jake winked. "I love it!" Victoria said. "Wow, that's a first." Jade responded sarcastically. Victoria scowled at her before calling me over  to talk alone for a second. "Hey Cam, can you do me a favor?" "Sure what's up!" "Well, Alex asked me to crash in his room tonight, but that means there'd be other people, so I was wondering if we could have our room tonight?" I was taken back for a second, but then excitement washed over me. I was extremely happy for her. "Yeah sure! Just don't have sex with him please." "Of course not I'm not a whore! I just met him!" "Alright," I laughed. "But where are me and Jade gonna sleep. "Well... you can always take Alex's bed." "Yeah but doesn't someone share that with him?" " Yeah, Clay but he aggreed to crash with Zach for the night." she explained. I smiled in excitement. "I'm happy for you." "And I'm happy for you. Now come on, you're losing precious Jake time." she laughed as she pulled me over to Jake. 

"Well nice to see you guys again I thought you'd never shut up." Jake laughed. I rolled my eyes as Victoria laughed and walked off to where Alex was. "So, I hear you're crashing with Lilley and Clay tonight." "News travels fast." I joked. "Well I mean, you can always stay with me. We do of course have some things to learn about each other. I mean come on Camryn! The night is young and we only have two days left to form some type of close friendship!" Jake stood infront of me, attempting to sound dramatic. I raised my eyebrow and tried to suppress a laugh. "Plus, I'm crashing in a room with Hudson, free eye candy. Whattdya say?" "Fine." I said giggling a bit. This might get a little interesting.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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