Last Year Of Love

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I'm sorry, this is shit.

"I honestly don't care about school," James complained.

"I know you don't," Sophie replied. "But we have exams left and-"

"I know I'll be an auror already. I have all of the proper grades for that."

"Actually, you don't," Sophie laughed. "You may think you do, but you don't."

He huffed. "Honestly, I don't care about anything... job wise. I care about one thing in my future and one thing only."

Sophie set her text books aside and brushed her white blonde hair out of her eyes. "And that is?"

His hand cupped her cheek, grazing her jaw. "Marrying you."

She rolled her eyes jokingly.

"I'm dead serious. And by that, I mean-"

"I know, I know," she laughed. "Just relax, alright? We've got our whole life ahead of us."

He sighed, rubbing his hands through his brown hair. "What's the point?"

"What do you mean?" she asked as she opened her potions book.

"What's the point of... of this? Of all these classes I'll never need?"

"It's all so that you can find out who you are and what you want in life, and if that doesn't work out, you know other things for back up.

"Still. I just dont understand why we need all of it."

She rolled her eyes before the door was slammed open.

"'Sup, fuckers!" Katie said as she suddenly barged into the door.

"Oh my... oh my God."

"Okay, so, there's, like, a bit of a party later tonight with a few Gryffindors - I forgot who told me - and I was invited and I know James was too. So, Sophie..."

"No," she said shortly. "I have to study."

"Oh, c'mon," James said. "It's just one night of partying."

"Yeah, and I don't want to go out."

"Personally, Soph, I think this'll be good for you. We graduate soon so you can, you know... finally do this for once," Katie suggested.

"I have partied."

"If you're talking about that one party when James went on stage and sang a cheesy song about underwear, I want you to re-think life."

"You people are ridiculous."

"Hey, James," a redhead Gryffindor said flirtatiously as she walked down the stairs. "Hope to see you here later tonight," she added before she winked. James chuckled before she left and Sophie's lips parted and eyes went wide.

"Fine. I'll go."

"Look at you, marking territory and partying!" Latie laughed.

Sophie turned back to Katie before it hit her. "How did you get in?"


The party music blasted and everyone danced around with cups of who knows what in their hands.

Hell, even the prefects were dancing and drinking.

Potter and Malfoy (Harry Potter fanfiction) - Volume 3Where stories live. Discover now