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Brendon sighs in annoyance wile the the "nerd" also known as Ryan sat giggling in front of him.

"What the fuck are you laughing at nerd?! Are you laughing at me??!" Brendon interrogated the "innocent" boy.

"uh oh um" the smaller boy stuttered out but before he could gather actual words brendon reaches over his seat smacking in the head multiple times.
Ryan is definitely way more cocky and confident behind a screen. Another boy jumped into the scene throwing ryan's stuff on the ground scattering it and stepping all over it.

"Thanks Pete" brendon chuckled then continued "these nerds nerd to learn their damn place." Brendon then looked to Mikey, "I bet these two are in a secret gay relationship." He then snacked mikey in the back of the head. He was half way correct one was in a secret gay relationship it was Mikey him and Pete have been together for a few months now.
this chapter is almost as shitty as I am a person - Nic

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