Chapter 6 Summer With the Snape's

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Headmaster Dumbledore stood behind the podium to make the end of year announcements. “For the first time in Hogwarts history, I am sad to say that the only thing that can be awarded this year is the house cup. Also please note that because of the war, you will all have to repeat your current years. For those of you who are confused, this means that it doesn’t matter if you are a first year or a seventh year. Next school term you will be in the same year that you were in. The only difference is that you the returning first years will proceed directly to your house tables. There is no need to be resorted. Miss Granger, your family’s memories have been returned to them you will return to them for the summer. The Weasly family home has been repaired so there is no reason to worry about where you are going to live. Now let the end of term feast begin, and may you all have wonderful summers,” said the headmaster as he looked out onto the crowd of students.

Harry promised to write to his friends over the summer then ran to join his family at the apperation point. James and Lilly hugged their son warmly then apperated to a white gleaming castle twice the size of Hogwarts. “Welcome to Phoenix castle, our family has lived here for generations, “announced James proudly. Harry looked around in amazement as he followed his parents around the castle. “Over there is our quiddich field, we can play together anytime you’d like son. Over on the other side is the royal creatures stables. Your aunt has a passion for creatures. Don’t get too close to that dome looking building unless you want to be killed by the most deadly dragons ever known to wizarding kind. Your aunt and few others are able to control them,” said James as he shivered at teh thought of Harry ever going near the most dangerous of his sisters pets. As they continued to walk through the massive castle Harry started to feel like he was finally at home.

The next day Harry was exploring on his own when he ran head long into his uncle Severus. “Perhaps your parents should have your vision checked Potter,” he said with a smirk on his face. “The dungeons are off limits unless you wish me to tooter you in the art of potions brewing, said Severus with an arched eyebrow at his nephew. Harry thought for a moment before he answered the grouchy looking man. “Now if you excuse me I have to get some ingredients from the green house,” said Severus as he quickly walked away from the stunned boy. Harry watched as his uncle’s robes billowed around a corner.

He glanced into a large atrium to find his aunt Esrelda reading under the shade of a cherry tree. As he approached the sweet scent of cherry blossoms surrounded him. She did not look up, but told him to come and sit with her if he liked. “Aunt Esrelda, I was thinking that being since I will have to complete my seventh year during next term that perhaps it would be a good idea if I was able to study now,” said Harry as he looked around him destractedly. Esrelda looked up from her parchments and smiled.

“Harry I am quite sure that you will do fine in your N.E.W.T’s next term, but a bit of tootering is always a good idea. Would you like me to help you,” she offered?

“I think uncle Severus will help me prepare for N.E.W.T level potions. Mum said that she will help me with transfiguration, and dad will help me with charms. I was wondering if you could help me with herb ology, and care of magical creatures,” asked Harry hopefully?

“I think that can be arraigned,” said Esrelda as she glanced around the atrium before smiling at her nephew.

Harry enjoyed his summer lessons; however his uncle Snape did not make it easy on him. “I expect excellence from you here Potter. If you wish to pass your N.E.W.T. level potions class next year you have to be prepared. I will not tolerate any foolishness,” said Severus as he tousled Harry’s already messy hair affectionately.

“I understand Professor said Harry as he opened his advanced potions textbook. Severus looked down at old potions textbook in harry’s hand and gently took it from him.

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