Harley and Ivy go out chapter 5

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"Haha why this my dear" Mistah J said right before he threw a grenade in the crowd of policemen and "joker toxin" filled the room. He grabbed my hand and I grabbed Ivy's and we managed to find the door to the roof and ran up the stairs. "Woah, I can't believe we made it out of there just in time" I said. "Well it IS ME Harley! You know your Mister J is full of surprises" Mistah J replied as he smiled. "Yeah well, at least I got the ruby and harls got her "girls night out" I'm happy, she's happy and I assume your happy Clown" Ivy said as she admired the ruby one last time before putting it back in the brown bag.

"Hey Mistah J, what about the crew their still in there" I said turning to face my puddin. "Don't worry about them pooh, I told most of them to escape at this time exactly and those who I didn't tell or forgot are replaceable any way" he said laughing. "Oh okay then I love you puddin!" I said hugging him but he didn't really hug back but I didn't give a damn, as long as I know he cares that's all I need. "Yeah, yeah well I wish I could stay but I have a ruby to put in my hideout so... Harley, Clown" Ivy said before giving me a hug and went jumping from roof to roof heading back to her hideout. "Well, well look who's coming! Our favorite guy in the world! Hey-a bats!" Mistah J said as B-man came flying towards the roof.

"Mistah J!" I yelled worried. "Don't worry my dear I'll handle the rodent, you go back to base and handle the henchmen" puddin said. "But puddin..." "I said go! Now Harley!" He said before slapping me in the face. I obeyed and left the roof and took a car I stole back to our hideout. Half the ride back I worried about my Joker and if he could handle it. And the other half I didn't worry because of course this WAS the Joker I was talking about.

I was sitting in the living room of our hideout in a white T- shirt and pink shorts with no makeup on or pig tails watching TV when all of a sudden the door opened. "Hello? Who's there?!" I yelled getting up from the couch. "Harley it's me you dummy" "*gasp* Mistah J!" I said hugging him. "Get off me woman! What are you trying to suffocate me" he said before walking past me to the couch. I sat beside him and he just stared at the TV.

"So what happened with the bat?" I asked sitting sideways so I could face him. "Oh, well he landed on the roof I said hi you know, blah blah blah, made some threats, tried to make him see things OUR way, laughed a little you know the usual,and then I pulled out my gun". "Yeah, yeah and then what?" I said becoming excited about what happened next. "And then you know he managed to resist from getting shot."Once I was in the police car he rudely shoved me into,I got halfway to arkham asylum and I kinda managed to kill both cops in the car and get back here" He finished.

"Well you certainly are full of surprises Mistah J" I said as I scooted closer to him. "Yes I am pooh, come here sit on daddy's lap" he said. I sat on his lap so my legs were still on the couch, he gave me a long kiss and we just sat there watching TV. After a few minutes he said something, "Harley" "yes Mistah J?" I said looking at him and running my fingers through his green hair. "Don't ever go on "girls night" again without telling me, or I'll be forced to give you a "jokers night out" and we both know how much danger that is for one girl" he said smiling.

"I can handle you puddin" I said poking his nose. "Oh barely" he said before giving me a kiss on the cheek.


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