the before

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"I remember.......being happy..." She said voice horse from crying and screaming this was rare for her to be calm to be polite to be so.....behaved. " I remember not having to scream to drown out voices" she looked up at me, her eyes blood shot " I remember not having to be watched as if I where a danger to you all" she said her anger growing along with my fear " hey....calm down no one is saying your dangerous no one is saying anything , this is your time to talk so what are you waiting" I say emotionless. From all my years working here ive noticed you can't be all nice and loving to 'These' kind of people. " I remeber 'the before' " she said beginning to cry

- the before -

'Her' Pov (in case you dont know who I'm talking about I'm talking about the girl who's crying )

I wake up to my Cody simpson ( she doesnt have an actual Cody S. Alarm its just the song )
alarm and I'm instantly smiling. I get up turing off my alarm but I turn the music back on singing along. With the music I start to move my feet dancing along with the rhythm, I may not be very good but atleast I'm having fun and that's all that matters. As I'm doing this I pick out my clothes well my uniform " god our school really had no taste ....I wish we could wear my clothes like I would rock a pair of
Skinny jeans" I say aloud to myself. My feet begin to move again as I move across my room my hips start to sway, then suddenly " EMILY ITS SIX IN THE FUCKING MORNING ....TURN THAT DOWN"
( Real quick AN for all those who know me personally don't say shit about the name 'emily' )

I start to giggle to myself " sorry dad. " I then turn my music off I have to shower anyways ' sorry Cody ' I think to myself smiling. I open my door and begin to walk to the bathroom and what I see makes my blood boil " HEY I CALLED THE SHOWER LAST NIGHT NO FAIR" I yell knocking on the door. My eyes narrow - this human shall pay for the war they have started - I think to myself silently cursing at who ever was in the bathroom. With that my feet take me back to my bedroom. I silently get dressed, fixing my pants and my polo. I pull out my phone using it as a mirror fixing my hair, but mostly taking selfies " hehe " I giggle.
I then hear a knock on my door I shuffle over and open the door slightly looking at the male in front of me " heeeeeelloooooo" I giggle, my father rolls his eyes " better get a move on its already 6:45 " I gasp dramatically dang time flies I think to myself. After about 10 minutes the male infront of me leaves, I then quickly put my phone in my bad along with my books and run out the door. " BYE DAD BYE GRANDMA BY GRANDPA " I yell as I leave, I slow down as I reach my bus stop.

Ladies Pov ( the lady in the beggining)

I watch as Emily breaks down in front of me babbling about past things, I sigh as I grab my phone, she looks up at me terrified " PLEASE DONT CALL THEM I DONT WANNA GO BACK TO THAT ROOM I DONT WANT ANY MORE DRUGS I DONT WANNA I DONT WANNA I DONT WANNA .....Imsorryimsorryimsorryimsorry." My face stays blank as I watch this kid break down like all the times before " if you dont want me to call then you have to calm down " I say my face deadpanned. Emily looks at me again as if she's a whole new person, "fuck" I mumble some what losing my emotionless state. Whenever she gets like this she hurts someone ....and I seem to be her target. " hahahahahahahah...." She laughs like a mad man. " C'mon Emily tell me about the before" I say trying to switch topics hoping she will switch moods. And as I hoped she was back to her calm state .....fucking psychos ....

- the before part two -

Emilys pov

I hop on the bus still smiling, and I can see my best friend Isabella is smiling to which means shes got something exciting to tell me! I sit down in our seat and she greets me like every morning " heyyyyy girl " she giggles and I reply with a " wassup girllll" I giggle as well. She then pulls out her phone I can see the sparkle in her eyes " so remember how I said I know this cute guy and I promised you id send him a pic of you and me and he would say who was cuter " she says I nod frantically remembering our conversation from yesterday afternoon. " welllllll guess who he chose" she asks and I feel the suspence killing me, I start waving my hands around " omg WHO " I ask
She smiles " GUESS " I whine and hit her playfully " c'mon tell meeeee " she pulls out her phone and lets me read the texts

Cute boi - hey

Izzy- heyyy I have a question

Cute boi- yeah


Izzy- *incert photograph of isabella*

*incert photograph of emily*

Cute boi- the one with the wavy hair and the dimples

Isabella pulls the phone back and giggles excitedly " he totalllllly likes you" I blush bright pink " no way " I say trying to be cool but I feel like I'm gonna expload from excitement. Then realization hits me " how did you meet this boy " I ask curious as to how she finds all the good looking men. Her facial expression stays as it has been the whole time. " apparently there is this thing called internet dating " I look puzzled, how would such a thing be possible? She comtinues " YEAH apparently its totally legal and you can like send each other stuff and .....Yknow totally be in love." I still looked puzzled but I'm truly curious, how could I not know about this....hmmm I wonder what kind of boys ill meet.

AN I wanted to make this chapter a lot a lot longer but.....I dont have the time so thats it for now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2018 ⏰

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