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 There was something that was always intimidating about staring at a mouth. Especially a mouth big enough to swallow her hole. Even more intimidating was a mouth that big rimmed with sharp, jagged teeth and colored a light blue. However, Tina wasn't remotely worried about the owner of the mouth. She sighed contently. Warm breath puffed around her aching form. The heat already had a relaxing effect on her.

"You sure you're okay with this?"

Tina cracked open an eye; she hadn't realized they'd closed. The brunette combed her fingers through her hair, smiling.

"Believe me, I'm more than fine with this. Just can't let it happen too much." Tina paused. "You've met Ethan, so you can guess why."

Kerem blinked, his eye narrowing. "That's...the big blond guy?" At Tina's nod, Kerem sighed. "Yep, I know him..."

"And you know why now," Tina chuckled dryly. She relaxed into the dragon-like creature's hold, her ever-present exhaustion kicking in. More than anything, a warm, safe place to sleep sounded fantastic. The feeling of something slimy against her head barely drew a reaction from the drained woman. In fact, she leaned forwards and against the slippery surface. Her weight sank into the pillowish surface, without qualm or complaint.

Kerem purred quietly, drawing the human further into his jaws. It wasn't often he was stirred from a nap by someone asking for him to do this. He wasn't complaining. He'd never complain about a free meal, but it was a welcome rarity. With a hum, he drew the red tips of Tina's hair into his mouth. It was odd how sweet and yet meaty a human tasted... This was especially true when said human wore scented lotion, as Tina regularly did.

Tina hummed, her shoulders sliding past Kerem's lips and teeth. When she could, Tina drew her hands forwards, easing them deeper into Kerem's mouth. As she moved deeper down, Tina scritched at whatever squishy surface she could reach. Kerem's thrumming increased in volume, obviously approving of the small gesture. Tina smiled. She continued to scratch gently until her hands slipped into a tubey, squishy area.

Kerem continued to ease Tina into his mouth, his pace quickening as he went further along. He swallowed, drawing the first of Tina's small form into his throat. With most of her waist in his mouth, he could let go of what little of her legs dangled out. He relaxed back, crooning as he focused on swallowing. His eye closed.

Grimacing, Tina closed her eyes. She hated her head being swallowed the most; it was harder to breathe. Kerem swallowed again, the rippling motion tugging her forwards. Somewhere above...or was it below?...her fingers touched something more gooey. They wiggled in the honey-like substance. Kerem didn't seem to mind, and another swallow had her hands completely enveloped in the unseen goo.

Now, Tina's feet were the only thing left outside of Kerem's mouth. Kerem smiled and lifted his head, opening his jaws wide. His gulps became faster and more purposeful. He purred. The heavy weight of the young woman sank deeper past his chest, and soon enough came to rest in his middle. Kerem drew a deep breath. The gelatanous dragon settled down, gaze moving to his middle.

"You comfortable in there, Chris?"

Tina blinked, squinting in the gooey environment around her. She swallowed and drew a breath, coughing before she breathed the heavy "air" normally.

"Wait-did you just call me Chris?"

A large shadow appeared over Tina's head, blurry and shadowed through the goo-filled chamber. She could see Kerem's yellow eye was narrowed.

"Isn't that your name?"

"No!" Tina exclaimed, then laughed. She drew her hands to her face and chuckled into them, then let them float at her side. "I'm Tina; Chris' creator."

Kerem blinked, then moved his head back. He hadn't realized Chris and Tina were two different people.

"Oh!...wait, how did you know about me?"

"Chris and I talk a lot. I'm also really good friends with your creator," Tina chuckled, shaking her head. "Don't worry about the mix-up though, it happens more than you think."

Laughing sheepishly, Kerem settled back onto his side. He let his arms rest atop his middle, smiling as the weight inside stilled and relaxed. His blue tongue flicked out, lapping the last of Tina's flavor from his lips. Although he still felt bad for mixing the pair up, it didn't seem for Tina minded. In fact, a glance down proved this. She was already asleep, curled into a peaceful fetal position.

Kerem sighed and yawned, ready to do the same. He needed to talk about Ollie later to figure out which brunette was which... Having so many humans around was incredibly confusing, especially when they had similar appearances. Kerem stretched. He rest his head on his paws, purring to himself. Regardless of who it was, he was happy he could let the little one rest and end up full in the process. With that in mind, he drifted to sleep once more.


Self-indulgent garbage!
Ironically enough this is my first work of actual self indulgent garbage.
I rather enjoy it, after reading this over.
So this is what happens when your best agender friend  makes an awesome goo dragon that likes noms.
You wanna just indulge yourself in those noms.
So yep.
Me gettin' ate, basically.

Thanks to mellonchollyhill for letting me borrow their OC Kerem!! He's a really sweet bean and Ollie's an awesome person seriously go check them out if you haven't they're amazing and I can't talk about them enough they're so great Don't steal Kerem from them!
I belong to...myself?? I guess? Don't steal me from me? 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2018 ⏰

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