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It's a word that has so much meaning, you can't use the term without creating some sort of effect.

It is strong.

It is such a small word, but with a big meaning.

I felt love for the first time because of him. But, he was the one to take that love away. Our love was like a candle, you light it, let it melt a little and blow it out. Poof! It's gone, but it's still there. The only difference is, once it's blown out, it cools in little time. Where as, people take days, months or even years for us to cool down. There really is one good way to fix it. All you have to do is light it back up again.

One little spark is all it takes. Just one.

❀  ✩  ❀  ✩

Hi guys! This is Love my new story. I really hope you like it! I'm really sorry if the prologue is bad or has any grammar mistakes, I am typing on my phone. I am working on an updating schedule. Right now I am thinking about updating twice a week, I'm just not sure about what days. I think I am going to update twice a week on whatever day I choose. I will post a message when I do update:) I hope you enjoy Love!


I'm sorry to say this, but I have deleted Bittersweet. Honestly, I had no inspiration for it any more. I am sorry to those who were looking forward to the rest of the story. BUT, I do hope you like Love much better:)

Sorry this author's is long (they usually won't be this long), but it would be nice if you pointed out ANY grammar mistakes. But, please be nice about it... it would be really kind of you:)




-Sarah Xx

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