Summer Camp

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  "Why you gotta be so rude. Don't you know I'm human too?" - Magic

Summer Camp- Chapter 1

♕ Rosie ♕


July 19, 2011

"Please! Please stop! Please," I cried. My own father is abusing me, while my mother just sat and watched. She was doing nothing to stop him.

He was repeatedly hitting and kicking me over and over. Why? Why me? I never did anything bad. What did I do to deserve this? My mother and father kept telling me I was a waste of space, that I was the biggest mistake they ever made. Why couldn't they have put me up for adoption or leave me on a door step? Almost anything would be better than getting beat almost every night.

After a long brutal beating I ran into my 'room' and collected whatever I had, including some money I was able to earn over the past year and a half. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

Quickly and quietly I ran out of the house, and that's all I did, I ran.

I've been running for over two hours. I stopped at a random gas station and went into the restroom. I looked at myself in the mirror, a fifteen year old girl, running away. Where am I supposed to go? I doubt someone wants take in a beat up fifteen year old girl, that has nothing to live for. I put my hands on the edge of the sink and started to think. What should I do? Where can I go? I looked up at the mirror once more. That's when I noticed something on my shoulder. I quickly removed my old white shirt, as soon as I saw my body I gasped. I was covered in bruises, scars, and cuts. I knew it was bad, but not this bad. After staring at my wounds taking time to process it, I started to cry. I decided that this was it. I can't handle any more pain. I am through.

I walked out of the station and walked. That's all I did, I walked. I didn't think about anything, I was mentally and physically exhausted. I walked until I saw a broken bottle on the street. I ran over to it, picked it up with my shaking hands, and I pressed it into my damaged skin, making it more repulsive to look at.

When I pressed it in again, it hurt so much, so much. As I was about to emerge the bottle again, I heard a voice," Hey! What are you doing?"

The figure started running towards me. I got feeling panicked, and started to run again.

"Hey! Stop! Please, I won't hurt you! I just want to help."

I slowed down at that last word, help. That's all I ever wanted, help. How I longed for help. I completely stopped moving, not noticing the figure approaching me.

"Hi, I'm Rachel. I would ask of you are alright, but I can clearly see that you aren't. Why don't you come with me, and I'll patch you right up," she held her hand out towards me. I was hesitant, I don't know this lady, but I feel as f I can trust her. The way her eyes are glossy, the way she rushed to me, the way she spoke to me.

Noticing how hesitant I was she spoke with a soft voice," I know you are probably scared, but I promise you can trust me."

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