Chapter 3

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I woke the next day with the sun in my face. I wondered if it was all a dream and my parents were still in bed and I wasn't alone... But that wasn't true. I felt left behind, left on my own to survive for a while then left to die. After I checked my parent's room to see if they were still here I went to the kitchen and ate my usual bowl of cereal and have my usual cup of O.J. After breakfast , well more like lunch since it was almost 1 o'clock I decided to take a shower.

After my nice refreshing shower, I got dressed in my school clothes, and l walked out the door, locking it behind me.

As I was walking to school, a little boy sat on the side of the road. He didn't look much older than 3. He was all by himself. I stopped and asked him, "where's your mommy? Why are you outside all by yourself?" He just looked at me with super sad eyes. I continued confronting him with questions. "Where is your mommy and daddy?" I asked once again. He finally responded, "mommy left last night. She said she was never coming back." A small tear ran down his face.

My heart suddenly dropped. He was in my place, but at a so much younger age. I wanted to hunt down his mom and sit down and have a nice long talk with her, if I could, I would ask her what was wrong with her for leaving her 3 year old son for the dead. She had had her chance at life and now he should have his. I wasn't her place to leave him when he had only lived 3 years, and would probably die a terrible death on the side of the streets of New York.

I sat for a minute, wondering what I could do to help him. I had this nature inside of me that wouldn't let me just leave him there. I couldn't. I wouldn't.

I finally decided that I could miss one day of school. Just one.

"Here, you can come live with me."

He looked up at me, like he was stunned. He probably was. He seemed like a smart little boy, and knew what was going to happen to him, left all alone, with no one to care for him and feed him. So he stood up and started walking with me back to my apartment.

  Once we got to the apartment, I sat him down on the couch.  He looked around the room carefully studying every crack in the wall, and every peice of furniture, and every molacule stuck in the carpet.  Although the human eye can't see molecules.  That's just what it looked like.

  "How many days has it been since you have aten last?" I asked the little boy.

He looked at me, thinking hard. "I have sort of lost track of the days that have pasted, but, before my mommy left last night, she hadn't fed me for, well..... I'm pretty sure it was 3 days.  So I hav'nt aten in 3 days.

  I walked over to the side table and turned on the tv.  I turned on the disney channel, one of my favorite go-to channels.  I thought maybe he would like it, since it was still rather early, and many of the little kid shows were still being brodcasted. I got up and went into the kitchen, pouring him a bowl of cheerios, just a little bit of cheerios, since I only had a little left in this box, and one other box, until I was out of cereal.

  He gobbled up those Cheerios faster than I've ever seen anyone eat.  Ever.

  We both awkwardly walked back over to the couch.  I felt like because I was older, I should have been talking to him, to get his mind off things, to help him feel more welcome in this world, and for that matter, in my home.

  "So, what is your name?" I asked the little boy.  He sunk into the couch a little further.

  "My name is..........................


Hello people of wattpad!! So, a little twist in the story huh? Sorry for the cliffhanger!! I know! I'm so mean!! Please vote if you read this!!

  And excuse the short chapter!! Now that summer break has rolled around, I know it makes sense that I update longer, and more frequent chapters.  But that is harder to do then you might think, between severe wrtiers block, and watching my brother every day of the week, I find it hard to find time to sit down and write.

 Soooooo, please dont' shoot me with your writer's block guns!

I don't even know where that came from.


Written by: Brianna (aka: bbdance102 here on wattpad)

P.S. Follow meeee

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