Chapter 2

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I sat in that alley for probably about 30 minutes before I actually found the courage to go home and face my fears. It was like I thought just sitting in a dark, cold, scary alley in New York City would fix all my problomes, all my worries.

I trudged back to my apartment. I tried not to notice how all the passerbyes looked at me. I started to regrett wearing these trashy clothes when I had much nicer ones.

As I was walking, when I had about a mile left to walk, and I started wondering how my day could get any worse. First, I'm abandoned, second, I fail to get food from a resturant and pretty much make a fool of myself, and now, I have to walk 3 miles back to my apartment in trashy clothes while everyone stares at me with gaping mouths. Yep, this was great.

I heard a crunch under my foot soon after. I was pretty sure it was just a leaf, but by instinct I looked back to see what it was. It was then, that I felt my first glint of hope ever since I had been abandoned. There, behind me, was a beautiful, wonderful, magnificent, $20 bill. It looked brand new. It looked like no human had ever set finger on it before, well I don't know if it really looked like that or if it was just my imagination in aw. Who knows, and who cares, because I found money! That ment food, water, and maybe even a little money to give to the apartment manager to help me be able to stay in the apartment a bit longer. I didn't know which one to spend it on.

I sort of felt like a theif because someone probably worked pretty hard for that $20 bill that I was now picking up off the street.

I started off, walking home again, a little pride in my stride. Actually, I felt like I was on top of the world in that very moment. Heck, here is this 11 year old girl, abandoned, without anyone, and she is lookin mighty fine! She has her own place to stay, a little food to eat, and clothes to wear, and she just found some more money to help her through too, it really couldn't get much better. And then I heard a loud rumble, and it started down-pouring. Of course.

I picked up speed and started running faster for my apartment. I still had 1 mile to walk. Part of my mind was telling me to knock on somebody's door and ask them if I could stay just until the rain stopped. But I just couldn't find the courage to do it. Anyways, I didn't really care about getting drenched. When I got home I could just put on new,dry, clothes anyway. A little water never hurt anyone. I quickly tucked the $20 dollar bill into my pant's pocket, and covered my hand over it from the outside, trying to keep it from getting wet, ya Annie, you're smart, let's cover the pocket wiht our hand! That'll help. (I facepalm)

Once I got back into my apartment, the owner at the desk at the enterance looked at me as I stepped off the enterance rug and onto the carpeted floors, I don't know for sure, but I'm pretty sure he winced. I don't think he like the idea of this filthy, dripping wet child walking around on his fancy, clean carpet, but I just kept walking. I could care less.

After changing into some fleece pants and white tank-top, I brought my wet clothes down to the laundry room on the first floor on the first floor. I set up my own station and slid a quarter into the slot that I found in my mom and dad's dresser. I listened for the low rumble of the washing machine to make sure that it had started before walking back upsairs to my apartment.

I plopped down on our couch and decided to watch some t.v. I looked at the time 2:30. I flipped through the channels and thought about what to watch. I looked at the titles of the shows. Nothing ,nothing ,nothing. Geez, it's 2:30 in the afternoon and nothing is on t.v.

  I slowly walked into my parents room.  I was pretty bored.  You know that feeling you get when you're bored? That's what  I was feeling.  I plopped down onto their bed.  I pulled the $20 out of my pocket.  I needed to decide what I was going to do with it.  I could either give it to the apartment manager, and possibly get the apartment a couple days longer then I would've, or I could use it to buy some bottled water and food.  

  Eventually, I decided that I would spend it on food and water.  I mean, I could easily survive outside, although it wouldn't be very comfortable.  But I would rather live unconfotably, than die.  I thought. 

  I got up off the bed and trudged into my own small room.  I tucked the $20 bill under all of my underwear.  Even though no one was living with me, the day that the manager comes upstairs and barges into my apartment, he best be not digging through my underwear.  In turn, I will keep that $20 bill quit safe.  Ladies and Gents, now, you know how to properly hide your inportant belongings.  Your welcome.

  I then went into the kitchen and pulled a box of macaroni and cheese out of the copboard.  I proceeded making it, and then sat down at the table and enjoyed a little bowl of mac and cheese.  I had started preserving food, because I had relised, the longer I could make that food last, the more meals I'll be being fed.  Sometimes I even tried to skip a meal a day if my stomach could handle it.  That usually ended up being lunch.  In a box of mac and cheese, I could usually get about 3 meals out of it.  Key: very small servings.

  After dinner, I sat down on the couch to see if they were brodcasting anything good yet. I clicked it to TLC.  That was my favorite channel to watch.  To my surprise, Say Yes To The Dress was on. YES!! I loved that show.

  After watching 1 episode, I glanced over at the clock. It read 8:30 P.M.  I decided, since it was a Sunday, I best be going to bed by 9:00.  I ran ninja style into my bedroom, and grabbed my pajamas out of my dresser drawer.  I quickly slipped them on and put my dirty clothes in the corner of my room behind my door.  I always stored my clothes there until the pile was to heaping to shut and open my door, and then I would bring them down to the laundry room and wash them.  I just did a load of laundry today so my clothes sat lonsome in the corner.  Just like how I sat lonesome on my bed, in my apartment, in my life.  I ran into my living room and made sure my door was locked, and turned off all the lights and the t.v.  I ran back into my room, flicking the lights off as I jumped into my bed and pulled the pink floral covers over my head, and drifted off to sleep.

-written by Brianna

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