Dreamy Dancer.

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He was stunned - the stranger in front of him looked exactly like the girl he'd been dreaming about. Her eyes were shining like the stars on a summer night. Her hair flowed freely in the gentle breeze. Was her skin as smooth as it looked like? He had been so entranced by the girl that he hadn't noticed his close friend waving a hand in front of him.

"Adrien? Were you listening?" he asked, hardly containing his laughter.

"Oh, sorry. I guess I spaced out. Mind repeating, please?" he scratched the back of his neck sloppily.

"As I was saying, this is (y/n), she just moved here a week ago." he gestured, probably for the second time, to the girl next to him.

"It's nice to meet you, daydreamer." you said as you extended a hand towards him. Your voice was as sweet as he had dreamed.

"Likewise." was all he could muster to say. All those thoughts were running wildly through his head. There was so much he wanted to ask you. So much he wanted to find out.

"Well, I think I should go. I'm going to be late for my Art History class." you announced.

"Will you be alright? Finding your class, I mean." Nino asked. He knew how much of a klutz his friend could be.

"I'll be fine, I'm a big girl now. I'll see you around, yeah?" you said, stealing a glance towards Adrien. He was too awestruck to notice. They both nodded and you took off to your beloved class. Adrien still couldn't take his eyes off you. Nino elbowed him lightly, trying to get his attention. He'd never seen his best friend act like this ever before.

"Man, what's gotten into you?" he asked like the curious guy he was.

"You're going to laugh at me if I tell you. We're also going to be late for Chemistry if we don't hurry up." he tried to avoid the question.

"So tell me while we walk. You know that I won't laugh." he encouraged his buddy.

"Alright. I've been having these strange dreams lately. I don't really remember what happens, what I do or who I speak to in my dream, but one thing's certain, when I wake up, the image of a girl still haunts me. Guess who that girl is." There. He said it. It felt kind of good to actually say it.

"Dude. (Y/n)? But how?"

"I'd like to know as well. Trust me." Adrien said as they entered the classroom. During the class, he could barely pay any attention to the professor talking in front of him. All he could think about was the stranger who was more than a stranger. The truth is, he became captivated by the stranger from his dream. And to actually find that person, right in front of him? Was this another dream? He did watch Inception last week. He didn't realize when the class came to an end and it was Nino once again who snapped him back to reality.

"Should I be worried about this becoming a habit of yours?" he laughed.

"Sorry, Nino. I just can't focus on anything else than the matter at hand." Adrien sighed in defeat.

"You should go see her. Maybe it will clear some things up. She'll probably be practicing at the gym in the evening." he elbowed his airheaded friend.

"Practicing? What exactly?" she didn't seem like an athletic person, but he had been wrong before.

"You'll see."

Adrien was consumed by curiosity and hardly went through his daily routine. His photographer was thrilled by his "dreamy" look, though. As soon as the sun started going down, he embraced his feline alter ego and rushed to the gym, hearing a soft melody as he got closer to the destination. His eyes lit up as he spotted the (h/c)-haired girl jumping and spinning around with a ribbon in hand.

Rhythmic gymnastics? Who would've thought. He had barely seen half of a performance in his life, but he could recognize your talent. The way you controlled the ribbon perfectly in sync with the piano. The way you threw the stick, spun and caught it without faltering once. But what stood out the most was your joy. The happiness radiated from you as you danced on and on. The music came to an end and you struck a pose, heaving, trying to catch your breath as well as trying to contain your smile. He found himself clapping, which caused you to drop the ribbon and look his way. When your eyes met he felt a hundred butterflies storm through his stomach.

"Who are you?" you asked in a doubtful tone.

"Just one of Paris' superheroes. Chat Noir at your service, princess." he took a bow before you, frowning slightly when he heard a laugh.

"Do you use that line with every girl that you stalk?" you wiped her brow with a towel and then placed it around your neck.

"Stalk?! You wound me." he faked a shot through the heart. "I was just passing by when I heard a piano. No one is supposed to be here at this hour, you know?"

"I guess. This is the best place for me to practice. I barely have enough space at home." you took a sip out of a bottle of water and he watched as a drop rolled off your chin, down your neck, before he caught it with his finger just above your collarbone. You took a step back, a blush spreading on your face.

"Aren't you a little daring for a first meeting, mister cat?" He just couldn't help it. You had him under a spell and there was no telling what he would do next without fully realizing.

"I apologize, this was not the kind of first impression I wanted to make to you. I shall take my leave now." he took your hand and placed a kiss on top of it, a mischievous smile on his lips. Without hesitation he jumped out the nearest window, leaving you, a blushing mess, behind. 

You packed your things and slowly made your way back to the apartment you were staying at, your mind filled with the image of a blond boy with striking green eyes. Or two blond boys with striking green eyes? The daydreamer and the charmer.

Chat Noir/Adrien Agreste x Reader One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now