Chapter 3

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Finally schools over and I can be over with all these crazy people, from teachers to students, I can't handle any of them. But my luck just hates me oh wait I have exactly no luck at all, well that explains why Nash and his friends are following me. Just be cool just be cool when you get home they can't get you, wait unless you live 30 minutes away from school! Crap, I hate having no luck what so ever.

"Hey slow down!!" I hear Matt shout.

He probably doesn't realize it but he made me walk faster. I actually like Matt though. If someone put a gun to my head and asked me to chose my favorite out of these boys I would most defiantly chose Matt I like love him but not as a boyfriend I love him as a bestfriend or brother, too bad I'm an only child.

"Listen, you can't just kick me on the first day back to school and get away with it" Cameron announces.

"Hahaha, I just remember she totally beat you up back there" Taylor laughed.

I giggled a bit at his comment but I soon stopped knowing I was supposed to be serious.

"Man has her ass always been that fine Cam?" Jack G announced and most agree with him.

"Guys stop!" Cameron yelled sounding angry at the comment jack made.

I then stopped and waited for them to pass so I wouldn't be so insecure about them looking at my butt.

"Hey why did you stop is this your place?" Jack J questioned.

"Sure, sure it is" I lied.

"Well I gotta go my moms gonna kill me" Matt spoke up and with that was a chorus of 'me too's '

Great, me plus no luck equals me stuck with Cameron. We were the only people on this block so when I turned towards my house I could still feel eyes on me and knew it was cameron. As I took the turn into my street and so did Cameron. I just knew he didn't live here he couldn't I've never seen him around here so I confronted him of following me.

"Cameron, why are you following me?" I asked pretty annoyed.

"Am I not aloud to go to my house?" He answered.

"But you don't live here, or at least I haven't seen you here for 6 years!" I almost shout.

"Well start paying more attention!" He sassed back as he opened a door to a house that I thought was empty for years.

"Oh" I quietly said almost as a whisper as I made my way to my house.

I guess he has lived across the street from me for 6 years. Wow I guess I was the bully today but for years of him bullying me i dont know what got into me today for finally standing up for myself. I've always tried to ignore him but today I actually fought back. I guess to get my mind off things I should start a hobby to get everything off my mind and it's summer break so I'll have nothing to do anyway.



A/N: I am EXTREMELY sorry for the short chapter there's just been a lot of things going on in my life from school to family issues and I haven't had enough time to be writing but the next chapter should be up in an hour or tomorrow but thanks for reading.



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