Similar by @izzybella3

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The room remained dark, lit only by a small candle in the far corner which was slowly dying out. Sleep wasn't coming easy, he tossed and turned and shot up from the night terrors that haunted him all of the time.

Neville Longbottom let out a sigh in annoyance, his fingers tangling in his own hair and tugging. He was always with him. In his dreams, in his mind, in his body. He was able to bewitch Neville's mind and make him act in ways that he did not want. Anger pulsed through his body, his veins burning as his lightning bolt scar caused him excruciating pain. He clutched his head and his hips bucked, Neville let out a shrill scream, alerting his friends who were in the beds opposite him.

Seamus Finnigan and Dean Thomas, rushed over to their friends' beside. They each shook his shoulders in an attempt to break him from the state he was in. It was as if he was possessed, just screaming and shaking as sweat clogged his brows.

Suddenly, it all stopped.

Neville sat up quickly, his breathing ragged and shallow. Dean passed him the glass of water from his bedside table, aiding Neville in drinking it whilst Seamus rubbed his back soothingly. "What was it this time?" The Irish lad questioned, his eyes darting down to Neville's fists which were balled and holding tightly onto his bed sheets.

"Harry Potter." Neville stated, using his sleeve to wipe the beads of sweat from his face.

Dean chuckled, "Come off it, Nevs, dreaming about Potter! Do you love him or something?"

Neville's brows knitted together and he scowled at his friends who laughed, "No!" He hissed, leaving closer to them, "h-he's working with you-know-who. They're planning something, I saw it."

It was like a click of a finger, Seamus and Dean stopped laughing and looked at their friend in shock. "Are you sure, Nev? That's a serious accusation," The latter said, "Plus, Potter's our age, what would he want with a, what? Fifty-year-old geezer? What would be in it for him?"

"I don't think he has a choice," Said Neville, "You know what his father is like, he pays his way in life, never getting anything for himself, he relies on money. And, have you not noticed how Potter looks like lately, bags underneath his eyes the size of Snape's nose, his skin is awfully pale too-"

"-you're pale though!" Seamus interrupted, "Harry Potter is a no-good, foul, git, look how he has treated Ron because of his family's morals and money-troubles. Neville, if you did see him planning with, then that is not out of choice, if it's true that is. You know he has been getting into your head. What if it is just a trap?"

"How can it be a trap? It's not like I am running off to save my godfather in the ministry because You-know-who has him. I know what I saw, Harry Potter is working for him and I don't think it's his decision." Neville retorted becoming annoyed with his friends who showed no sign in believing what he had said. They knew nothing. They didn't know how it felt to not be able to relax and sleep like a normal person without nightmares. Or the weight of their parents' death on their shoulders. They died for him. They died to keep him safe and he wanted to be able to avenge their death and defeat the Dark Lord once and for all.

Dean looked at his friend amused, "And what are you going to do about it? You still a kid!"

"I am sixteen for crying out loud! People died at our age in the first wizarding war! Some were younger! I will do all I can to stop that no-good-son of evil!" Neville cried standing up and stepping into his slippers.

"Where are you going now?" Asked Seamus in confusion.

"To Dumbledore! I need to tell him what I saw." Seamus stopped the boy from leaving the dormitory, his hand on his shoulders. "What?"

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