Poor Jungkook

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He's such a victim, I feel kinda bad for him.

Jungkook betrayed Yoongi and Jimin in the second book. What we hear is that he did it to protect them. Here's what actually happened.

V's funeral. Jungkook goes home halfway through the service. He's still not over Jin, and V just had to punch him in the heart like that.

Props to me I'm such a cruel human.

Jungkook still shows up to the after party though, he just needs to calm down first because the poor kid can't stop crying.

Note: Jungkook cries when his hyungs suffer mentally and he can't do anything about it. Oops.

So Jungkook's having a mental breakdown, and guess who followed him home?

Kardon did.

So Kardon barges through his bedroom door and does the whole cliché 'I'm sorry about your friend' thing when in reality he isn't sorry at all.

Kardon is recording the whole conversation for Feliks later.

Poor Jungkook was bullied into this tbh I feel even more bad for him.

Kardon basically interrogates Jungkook into admitting he'd do anything for what's left of Bangtan.

It went like this.

He wasn't even crying for a good reason. He was crying because he felt bad for himself. It'd been three days since V had died, you'd expect him to get over it. If that was true, shouldn't that have worked for Jin as well?

Jungkook wiped the tears off his face, which was flushed red. He was still choking in sobs, but he could at least clean himself up a bit. Kardon looked at him expectantly, so Jungkook continued. "I just just love them all. I purple them. They mean the world to me." He wiped his eyes with the wet tissue again. "Is there anything I wouldn't do for them? I'd protect them with my life. I'd sell my soul to the devil for them. I wouldn't be able to live in this world if they were gone."

"I totally get you." Kardon nodded, hugging Jungkook with one hand awkwardly, "I'd do anything for my friends, too. But that's not what I was asking you, Jungkook. If you had to choose-"


"I'm not saying it will happen, but if you had to choose-"


"You don't even know what I'm going to ask you." Kardon tightened his grip on Jungkook's shoulders, taking the comfort and turning it into menace with one simple gesture. "If you had to choose between them, who would you save. Out of the ones still alive."

Jungkook shook his head, trying to find an answer. He ran through the options, feeling worse and worse with each one. "Jimin." He concluded, "I'd save Jimin."

Kardon turned the tape off.

And then after this happens:

Suga pulled Jimin to his feet and pulled him off his balance as they both ran faster than they ever had before. Jimin took a quick glance behind to see that the other four had split in opposite directions. They stopped at a Valentino store and Suga flung Jimin in first before dragging the door across the floor and slamming it shut.

Jungkook tries to help j-hope, who's already made a runner (gotta love j-hope) and ends up getting double interrogated by Feliks and Kardon, with Sarah busy crying her eyes out in the background like Sarah does.

He ends up getting bullied into sacrificing Suga (poor Suga) to save Jimin, either that or they'd all die (which happened anyway).

So why did Feliks kill Jimin? Well, he showed up because Jungkook was on the phone with him (that's the reason he cried and hugged Jimin right after, he knew Jimin had a thing for Suga. Jungkook knows everything), and he barged through. Jimin was killed because he saw the gun pointed at Suga and though 'I think the Fuck not' and did what Jin did and ended up dying.

Rule number one: don't be like Jin or Jimin.

Jungkook was pissed about that (Jimin-narration didn't catch this but Yoongi kicked Feliks in the balls at least sixty times in this book), so he picked a fight with Feliks, Feliks was pissed about that, so he shot Jungkook just to shut him up.

So that explains that. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.

Jungkook, instead of showing up with the others after death, ends up getting stuck with Sarah instead.  Neither of them know why but it gives him an opportunity to sass out all three of them so that's good.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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