Chapter 1

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"who is Evelyn Smith's new sugar daddy?"

I swear my eye's are going to pop out anytime soon. I read the headline of the New York Times twice, wishing that I was just hallucinating and the information on that piece of paper was just my imagination.

"Who is Evelyn Smith's new sugar daddy?"

The letters of the headline were of bold fonts propagated right on front page of the newspaper and below that was a picture of me from last night sitting on a bar stool, leaning towards a man and his arms rested on my waist. The picture was taken on an angle which looked like we were kissing and my hair successfully hid the man's face.
Why don't I remember anything?

Maybe tequila got the best of you!

"I see my daughter kissing a man of twice her age?" Dad said in his deep voice, his jaw clenched and he sounded dangerous. Very dangerous.

I was in my dad's office at Smith Coorporation after I got a call from his secretary this morning saying he wanted to see me as soon as possible.

"I can explain fathe-"

"Then explain!" Dad said without letting me finish, with displeasure in his voice and muscles tensed.

"I am not kissing him, look at the picture closely, who ever is behind this wanted his audience to believe I have sexual relationship with this guy."

"Then you will have explanations for these headlines too Evelyn Rosa Smith!" Dad pointed towards a bunch of newspaper kept at his desk and turned his back towards me seeing the busy streets and other skyscraper of the New York City.

"You think Lindsay Lohan or Kim Kardashian is hot and sexy? Try me!" Says Evelyn Smith.

"Evelyn Smith: I don't bite, unless it is called for."

"Evelyn Smith caught getting laid with her ex boyfriend Lucas Black."

"My knight in shining armor is my sugar daddy!" Says the heirs of Smith Coorporation.

"Evelyn Smith engaged to her fifty year old boyfriend!"

My eye's widened after seeing what was on the newspaper. When did these things occur in my life? I stood still for a moment, my mouth felt dry and face Flushed from exertion and anger.

Dad slowly turned and his expressions softened after seeing me.

"You know how much I care about you Eva, I can't withstand any bad reputation about you" dad said standing near me.

"I understand father. But I swear on holy mother I do have wild night out with my friends but these statements are fake! These things never occurred in my life!"

"I believe you dear! But things have gone worst this time, the board members are reconsidering about the decision to make you the next CEO of our company" dad said placing a hand on my shoulder "after seeing all these articles about you. Now everything is in your hand Evelyn, so my request to you is to stop having these wild night outs so that you don't become a prey for any reporter until things settle down by it's own among board members."

"You can't be more than serious dad? I can't give away my life just because of some foolish headlines or just to please the board members!" I said running fingers through my hair, irritation and frustration clear in my voice.

"Marry then!"


"Yes! Marry, because it would be proved that all these statements were false and you have been courting only one man."

"You don't say!" I was stunned. "I'm not going to perform any such stunt!"

"You're going to follow what I say, infact marrying is the better option I see here, because it's my dream to see my daughter the next president of the Company I worked hard for and no one can stop that, not even you, Do we understand each other?"

I stood still staring back at my dad, still blowed up to heavens.

"I take your silence as yes!"

"But da-"

"I hope you're attending tonight's opening ceremony of Mr Anderson's new hotel? I expect you to be there, I want you to meet someone very important." excitement poured out in his voice and the smile that cracked on his face didn't went unnoticed.


"Now that's a surprise sweetheart! Now we are done for now, I have few things to settle before I meet you tonight" dad said in a dismissing tone.

I don't get his mood swings lately?

I opened his office doors after bidding him goodbye and made my way towards the lift.
My phone started to ring. It was Melissa. My so called best friend.

"Hey what bit your ass this morning?" I said after picking up the phone.

"Ha-ha-ha! You know your humor level completely sucks, just like your dating life sucks!"

"Well it's because my standards have been set unrealistically high after years of mentally dating Chris Hemsworth."

"Where are you now? I got a panic attack after I didn't find you in my room. You stress me so much Eva. I swear on Jesus I am going to murder you, and why were you not picking your pho-"

"My God Melissa relax! I am at my dad's work place, he wanted to see me"

"Relax!? You moron, I thought you got kidnapped or something after seeing the condition of my room, why are my clothes everywhere?"

"That's because I had no time to go to my house and change and most of your clothes show lot of skin, so it took me quite a time to find a perfect dress for me" I said grinning, imagining my friend dealing with the mess I made.


Suddenly someone came rushing in front of me, I had no time to see who it was and my left shoulder collided with him. My phone and my purse fell on the ground spilling it's content.

The person who I collided with, didn't even turn to apologize or to see if the person is injured or not.

"Hey you! Stop right there."

He was a six foot plus skyscraper dressed up in a tuxedo, before I could notice anything else about him he turned right and disappeared.

Good old days, because men lack chivalry these days!

I bent down to pick up my things and my phone, which was broken now. My left shoulders felt little pain. God must have made that jerk with granite I swear.
I noticed some keys lying on the floor and it was definitely not mine, maybe it was his keys.
I kept his keys in my purse and strolled out of my dad's company straight to my Mercedes heading towards Melissa's pent house.

His love, My faith. (The Mafia story) Where stories live. Discover now