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You know how people tell you, you will have you're moment to shine? Or that someone will care about you as much as they do to you.

Well, Zach didn't feel that way. Zach all his life thought he had it tough. He didn't have it tough though, it was just sad.

Zachary Dean Herron grew up to a loving family that owned a bakery in Dallas, that would soon one day be passed down to him. That was one thing he looked forward to most.

But in the meantime Zach grew up to an ok childhood. Very young he found a passion for reading. He just liked to read. Nope he loved it in fact. That would be the one thing that helped him through his life.

So one day when it was recess, Zach had to use the bathroom. When he came outside he ran to his best friend. His best friend happened to be talking to a couple of other kids. He didn't mean to eavesdrop but he didn't want to be rude and interrupt their conversation.

"So where's you're best friend Zach?" a little girl asked.

"He went to the bathroom and he's not my best friend. Bradley is my best friend." The little boy Zach thought was his best friend said not realizing Zach was right behind him.

Zach ran when he heard that. He ran behind a tree and cried. He thought he cared about him but turns how he didn't. It made him so sad and it was hurtful for a ten year old to hear. That day he never had a best friend again so he wouldn't get hurt. But that didn't mean he didn't stop having friends. This was one of his first painful memories.

The next time something like this happened was in high school. At the time Zach was questioning his sexuality. He would look at a pretty girl and think she was cute but then one day he turned his myopic vision toward guys and the longer he looked at them the more he found cute. But he still saw girls as cute too. That was the day he found out he was bisexual.

Particularly at the time, Zach was a sophomore. He had a very close friend named Charlie. Although he was like a best friend to Zach, Zach refused to believe he was a best friend because Charlie was rather popular. Charlie was also on the soccer team and had lots of friends. But he always seemed like he would want to hang out with Zach. Zach noticed this but didn't want to believe it, that his crush could possibly like him back.

One day, it was the biggest soccer game of the season. Playing their rivals, the school would get all excited for the game. It was a tradition for the players to give their letterman jackets to someone they cared about most. Most of the time it was the players' girlfriends but Charlie gave his to Zach.

Zach was a blushing mess and was so confused but he felt honored. But halfway through the day, Charlie approached Zach in the hallway and asked, "Can I have my jacket back?"

Zach was confused by the question and asked, "What? Why?"

Charlie looked down, not being able to look Zach in the eye without feeling guilty. "I wanted to give it to Harper."

Zach didn't say a thing, quickly handing Charlie his jacket back and walking away feeling the taunting tears. He didn't spare Charlie a glance and walk away from the only friend he really knew. Another painful memories that would be in the back of his mind.

Zach's years of high school flew by. Going on his last year he was looking forward to it ending so he can finally take over his parents bakery.

But one afternoon, Zach came home from school like any other day and helped out at the bakery like he normally did.

"Zach can we talk to you," his father approached them.

"Yeah sure let me just finish this last customer." Zach replied. After he did that, he sat down with his parents.

"Zach, me and your mother have been talking and we decided that we want to pass down the bakery to you're sister." His father said.

Zach knew what this was about. Zach knew his parents had favorites, yet they never said that, it obviously showed. His sister being daddy's girl and his brother being momma's boy. "But you said the bakery was gonna be mine," Zach shouted beyond pissed.

"We did but we feels it's best-" his mother tried to explain.

"No, I don't wanna hear it, it's fine." Zach interrupted and threw his oven mitt down walking away. That was the final straw. That was what broke Zach.

So the night after Zach graduated high school he ran away. He packed a bag and before he left, went down to the bakery. He took from the cash register what he felt needed. He put the money in a bag and left the keys, that was the very last night they saw him.

Zach took a plane and found his way in California where he begun his new life. But the one thing that stayed was his love for books. His favorite to read now we're romance books and he soon found himself being called lover boy.

Hey guys. New book which is a Jachary fanfiction which if you couldn't tell this is my favorite ship. Anyway I wanted to say I'm soooo excited to write this like this might just be my favorite. ❤️

Lover Boy • Jachary AU Where stories live. Discover now