Chapter 8

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Looking at Jack in front of me I was so surprised. What is he doing here? I searched my memories to find a reason why he happened to be here. I remember. I told him I would give him my phone number if he found me. He found me.

I didn't think he would actually try and I wasn't even trying to reject him. The only thing is that I can't easily trust someone to have a sudden interest in me. I don't believe in it. Hell, it took eight months for Dani to get my phone number and he was my boss. He had an actual reason for needing my phone number.

I don't know whether it's a good thing to find Jack at my door step or if this is another mistake of my life. Or that he could possibly be a stalker. If I had to be honest, my brain really isn't processing any of this. It's almost midnight, causing my brain to be jumbled. Not to mention that I'm also trying to sleep.

"Did you actually come and find me at almost twelve in the morning just for my phone number?" I ask a little surprised and taken aback.

He opened his mouth to say something but paused. "Well, yeah, I think I did." He finally said but the way he said it, so gentle, made my heart skip a beat. Feelings.

"Well, do you want to come in?" I ask, being as polite as I can.

"Sure, why not." He hesitantly answered and walked past me, into my apartment.

"You can have a seat," I pointed toward the couch. As he sat on the couch, I took a seat next to him. A gust of wind came from the slightly cracked open window, making goosebumps appear on my skin. I wrap my arms around myself, only now realizing that I had never put a shirt on. Thoughts ran through my head, negative thoughts. I tightened my grasp on myself in hopes of covering my body more.

"So, you want my phone number?" I tried to start the conversation off, although it didn't ease any of the awkward tension circling us.

"Uh- yeah, that's kinda what my mission was, right?" He gave an adorably shy smile.

"Right," I agree.

"Let me see your phone,"
I smile genuinely at him as I hold my hand out, awaiting for the object.

As he was handing me his phone my hand brushed his, we met eyes and before I knew it, a blush was rising up my cheeks.  "So, how exactly did you find me?" I asked, my eyebrows furrowing.

As he told me the story, I typed my phone number in. I retyped possible names for my contact, not finding one that fit. I wanted it to be cute but it can't be too cute, after all we did only meet a day ago. But then again, he spent the day trying to find me. I typed in Zach, not thinking of anything better, but as he brought up the coffee shop where we first met, a perfect name came to mind; Lover Boy.

"Wow, I cant believe you went out of your way to do that." My lips tugged at the corners as I handed him his phone back.

"Yeah, me neither, but I found you." He yawned, his hand going to cover his mouth. He's clearly tired, poor baby.

We go silent and as I looked around the apartment, trying to find things to talk about, I notice how close we are. I'm practically on top of him, almost on his lap. How did this even happen?

"You can stay if you want. I mean, it's pretty late." I offer, a sweet smile rolling onto my lips.

"I would like that," he brushes my hair out of my face and as skin meets skin, more heat fills up my cheeks. Blush. Blush. Blush. I'm a blushing fucking mess.

I cough, suddenly not knowing how to say anything. "S-so, you can take my bed and I'll take the couch." I stand up from the couch.  I would offer we sleep together but that would be weird to sleep with a stranger. But then again, that sounds hot.

"No I'll sleep here," he pats the couch.

"But you're my guest you should take the bed." I argue trying to pull him from the couch.

"But you live here so I should take the couch." He argues back, not budging from his position on the couch.

"I want you to take the bed," I will not let this go.

"I'm gonna sleep on this couch even if I have to FUCKING TIE YOU TO YOUR BEDPOSTS!" He outbursts, his face getting redder by the second.

It grows quiet as I stand there, stunned. I start to hear him count, "one, two, three..." it makes me wonder what issues this boy has.

I think of what he just said. kinky.

Jack starts to chuckle, "I mean if you're into that, but we just met, Zach."

"Did I just say that out loud?" I sigh covering my face. Damnit, Zach, you slipped up again.

"Yep," he smiled as I peak through my fingers.

"I'll go get some blankets." I finally say wanting to get out of this situation.

When I came back with the blankets. Jack was staring at the wall. I watch in curiosity, wondering what could possibly be running through his brain. He looks so deep in thought, almost as if I were to every say anything, he would shatter. He looked so delicate.

He turns around, a light smile dancing on his plump lips.

"Here you go," I whisper, too scared to break the peaceful atmosphere.

"Thanks," he started to fix the couch to sleep on.

"Well good night," I stood, watching.

"Good night, baby boy," he causally gave me a kiss on the cheek. What just happened? Am I dead? Did I make it to heaven? Or is this all just a dream?

Walking away, I smile to myself. He's so nice and cute, but I can't get my hopes up. Hope only gives me a reason to be disappointed in the end.

Edited by Lejla :) I just want to say that K is one of the sweetest people in the world. She deserves the world. If you see this K, I love you.

Edited by -softyseavey

Lover Boy • Jachary AU Where stories live. Discover now