7. Alex' Idea of Fun

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"How'd we do?" Alex panted as they returned from the stage.

"You were amazing!" I exclaimed and continued in a whisper, "it was so sexy the way you said my name," I could feel myself blush.

Alex winked at me before he was pulled into Miles' embrace.


Seeing as this was the last night of the festival, the guys wanted to celebrate properly and ordered a ton of different alcoholic beverages. I was currently having drinks with Jamie, Miles and Nick. Alex and Matt had been gone for about an hour to do interviews. I could tell that they both hated it. Alex had told me that since he was the lead singer, he always had to go do the interviews but that the other guys always drew lots to see who was the unlucky guy going with Alex. Matt had groaned as he had drawn the lowest number in the deck of cards.

During the hour Alex and Matt were gone, Jamie and I had been chatting a lot and he had told me that he hated doing interviews more than anyone in the band. Whenever he was the one losing the lottery, he always went along, but that he made sure not to say anything unless being asked directly – and when he finally did speak, it would be so foul-mouthed, that the interviewer wouldn't ask him anything for the duration of the interview.

After what had felt like an eternity without Alex, I could see him and Matt walking towards us, a glass in each hand.

"Ey luv," Alex said and put his arm around me. He reeked of alcohol.

"Eyyy," I laughed, "How did it go?"

"It went quite well," Matt said, "Alex had some Jameson as you might be able to tell."

"You don't say," I laughed as Alex blew his whiskey breath into my face.

Matt and Jamie talked for a bit about the interview and Alex started touching me all over.

"You're getting quite handsy, huh?" I asked him.

He gave me a drunken smile, "you smell like peaches and cream," he said burying his face in my neck, kissing me gently.

"Oh yeah? I hope you like peaches then," I laughed.

"I fucking love peaches," he hummed, "but not as much as I love cream".

I knew that Alex was really drunk and that I shouldn't be as turned on as I was, but fact was that he was being really cute and he was running his hands all over my body as he kissed and nibbled at my neck. I, therefore, couldn't resist when he asked me with a devilish grin if I wanted to have some 'bathroom fun' with him.

"Lead the way," I whispered into his ear and he took my hand, leading me to the bigger lavatory at the end of the backstage area.

Before I had had the chance to lock the door behind me, I could already feel Alex' cold hands snaking up under my shirt. He had his arms around my stomach, still kissing my neck and shoulder. I let out a small sigh as he pressed his body closer to mine.

Alex quickly found my lacy bra and started to massage my breasts, "Oh god, Alex," I moaned as I turned around so I could kiss him properly. As his tongue entered my mouth I could feel him letting go completely. He lifted me up on the small sink, running his hands along my inner thighs as he pulled my shirt over my head. His hands went to the small clasp on the back of my bra and before I knew what had happened, I was completely topless, kissing Alex Turner of the Arctic Monkeys in a dodgy restroom at one of the biggest festivals in the world. Things were moving very quickly. Too quickly.

As if he could read my mind, Alex broke away from my mouth for a second, leaning his forehead on my forehead.

"Ready for that bathroom fun, love?" He chuckled.

Things were going very fast but I was drunk and Alex was cute. I felt safe with him so I merely nodded, closed my eyes, and waited for him to kiss me again. He didn't however. Instead, he reached to his back pocket and pulled out a small zip lock bag with a white powder in.

"Coke?" I asked him, not knowing what else to say.

"Yeah? Something wrong, love?"

"You're seriously going to do coke in here right before we – wait...is coke your kind of bathroom fun?"

"What else would it be?"

I felt so stupid.

"Oh..." it seemed to dawn upon him, "you thought bathroom fun referred to us shagging.."

I nodded, covering my bare chest with my hands. I felt so stupid. The sense of security that I had felt only moments before was now completely gone.

"Love, lets do a little bit of my kind of fun and then a bit of your kind of fun, eh?" he wiggled his eyebrows at me. Earlier, I had found that cute. Now it was just making me sick to my stomach.

I laughed a hollow laugh, "absolutely not," I hopped down from the sink, quickly locating my discarded clothes and put them back on.

"It's just one line," Alex said as if that justified everything, "I'll be more ready afterwards."

"If you think that I'm stupid enough to do coke with some bloody rockstar that I just met then I guess it wasn't meant to be anyway," I slammed the door to the bathroom behind me as I stormed away.

I could hear Alex calling my name behind me but I didn't care. My eyes were burning with tears and embarrassment. Had I misunderstood everything that had happened these past few days? Had I actually thought that he had wanted me? Me? Some boring girl from Liverpool thinking that a three-week round-trip around California would be her big adventure.

His words "I'll be more ready afterwards," rang in my ears. More ready? MORE READY? As if plain old me wasn't enough to get him going. He had to do coke to be up for the challenge.

I needed to get out of there. To get back to my hotel and be alone and continue on the boring trip exactly as I had planned.

I stormed away from the others. Away from Alex. I didn't even stop when I heard Jamie calling my name.

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