15. Leaving L.A.

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I hadn't really slept that well. I had been staring into the wall for the better part of the night, contemplating if I was doing the right thing or not. If I was overreacting.. No.. I wasn't overreacting. I had zero tolerance to drugs. He knew that. He had known that all along and he still chose his bag of coke over me.

I had kept my phone off just in case he had tried to ring me. I didn't want to deal with him.

However, as I heard a knock on the door to my hotel room, I couldn't help but hope it was Alex and that it had all just been some bad dream. But I knew who it was. Yesterday, Jamie had told me that he would pick me up and take me to the San Fransisco-bound bus. I opened the door, still in my PJs.

"Mornin'," Jamie said. He was carrying two cups of coffee and a bag of croissants, "how are you holding up?"

I shrugged, "I've spent most of the night thinking about him. I don't know if this is the right thing to do."

"What; to go to San Francisco?"

I nodded, "yeah..leaving."

Jamie shrugged, "I can't tell you what to do. Maybe it'll be good on ya to get all your thoughts sorted out."

"Yeah, maybe," I nodded, "I've only known him for about a week. I might have forgotten his name in a month anyway."

"Yeah..." Jamie said, looking very unconvinced.

"How's he holding up?"

"After I left here yesterday, I went straight home. I could hear Matt scolding him all the way from the hallway. Didn't see Alex though."


"Take care Rhea, yeah?" Jamie said as we hugged goodbye at the bus station in downtown L.A.

I was tearing up again, "I'm going to miss you," I whispered.

"Yeah, me too," he sighed, "I'm sure we'll see each other back home in England. I'll make sure of it!"


He nodded, "now get on the bus, or it'll take off without you, you tosser!"

I sighed, "I guess this is it."

"This isn't it," Jamie laughed, "don't be melodramatic. This is just it for now."

"Yeah, you're right," I sighed and gave him one last hug before I boarded the bus.


Three hours into the bus drive, I decided to turn on my phone. I had to face Alex' texts at some point, I reasoned.

I didn't know what was worse; the fact that he had broken his promise or the fact that he hadn't even tried to text or call me once to win me back.


Received at 12.06 p.m. from Matt Helders:
Hey Rhea
You alright in SF?
- Matt

Sent at 02.03 p.m. to Matt Helders:
Hi Matt!
Went to Alcatraz. Was okay.
Pretty boring here. Miss you..

Received at 02.05 p.m. from Matt Helders:
Come back, yeah? ;-)

Sent at 02.37 p.m. to Matt Helders:
LOL! Flying home to London tomorrow.

Received at 02.40 p.m. from Matt Helders:
Al says hi!

Sent at 02.59 p.m. to Matt Helders:
Tell him to piss off.

Received at 03.00 p.m. from Matt Helders:
Alright, alright. He doesn't know I'm texting you rn.
He's changed though. Not that much fun to be around..

Sent at 03.34 p.m. to Matt Helders:
Sad that he needed coke to be fun, huh?

Received at 03.36 p.m. from Matt Helders:
He doesn't. I just think he misses you

Sent at 04.09 p.m. to Matt Helders:
He hasn't reached out to me once.

Received at 04.11 p.m. from Matt Helders:
I don't think he knows that you want him to contact you.

Sent at 04.11 p.m. to Matt Helders:
I don't.

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