Part 51

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It was now lunch time and me and Jon walked into the cafe. We also made sure that to tell the people that saw me and Anthony kissing that it was social experiment to see how people would react. They actually believed it. I may not be a human but some of these humans are gullible. Jon and me sat down and then the others came. We started eating and the boys started making jokes and puns. As for me, I would just talk to Lauren. She doesn't mind me being quiet. Then suddenly I was hit in the head from behind. "LEAVE HER ALONE". Lauren said. I turned around and saw Blue and Sydney. Jon looked too and got up and got in front of me and started growling at Blue. "Jon. She's manipulating you". Blue said. "I'll show you manipulating. After I'm done with you, we're gonna see who's the actual manipulative one. I may not be a bully or threat to Anthony or Anastasia...". He said and started chuckling. "But I'll be a bully and a threat to YOU. If you don't want that then STAY AWAY FROM ME, ANASTASIA, AND MY FRIENDS". He said dangerously. Blue and Sydney took a step back in fear. Then they ran off. Jon sat back down and kissed my cheek. "Babygirl, you okay?" Jon said. "Yeah, I'm good". I said. "Good". He said. I rested my head on his shoulder. He kissed my forehead we continued to talk with the others. Soon lunch was over and we were going to class. I held his arm feeling safe that he's back.


It was now time to go home and me, Ana, Marcel, and Jon walked to the house. It was time for me to tell Marcel what our 'business' is. Once we got to the house, I immediately dragged Marcel into my room. "What the hell Anthony?" He said. "I need to talk to you". I said. We got to my room and we went inside and I locked the door. "So, what is it? Is it that thing you were talking about when you said you and me had 'business'". He said. "Yep". I said. "Okay then what is this 'business' we need to talk about?" He said. I went to him and touched his black eye. He flinched a little. "This. I don't like this". I said. "I know you don't and that's why I need to stay away from him". He said. "Saying that your gonna stay away from him isn't gonna solve anything Marcel and you know that". I said angrily. "Then what do you think I should do?" He said. "Well I have an idea but I don't know if you'll agree". I said. "What?" He said crossing his arms. "Tonight. I'm gonna go and kill him". I said. His eyes widen. "Yeah I'm gonna kill your dad. There is no way in hell, I'm gonna let your dad hit you and get away with it for all these years". I said and grabbed his chin. "There is no way I'm gonna let your dad go unpunished". I whispered. I stared into his eyes. He had the look of fear but then I saw a little bit of joy. I let go of his chin and he stood up. "Do it but I wanna see". He said. I smiled and nodded. "I'm glad your back". I said and he smiled. I kissed him on the lips and he kissed back.
It was almost 12 pm. Delirious already got some clothes for him to stay over since I ask him to stay here with Ana. I got my gun and knife and I was about to go to Marcel's room until I saw him waiting for me outside in his monkey mask. "I didn't think you would be ready for this". I said putting on my mask. "Are you kidding?! I'm excited to see you kill my father!" He said. I smirked under my mask and patted his shoulder. "Then let's get to it then". I said and we went downstairs and then we left the house. We got into the car and we drove to Marcel's dad's house. We soon got there and saw that the tv was on which means his dad was awake. "Let's go". I said and got out of the car and went to the trunk to get the rope. Marcel waited for me and he looked impatient. "C'mon!" He said impatiently. "Keep your voice down and hold your horses". I said quietly. Once I got the stuff, I close the trunks and we went to the front door. Luckily there was no street cameras because of how bad this neighborhood was. Marcel got the key that he had in his pocket then he quietly open the door. We quietly got inside without Marcel's dad noticing. I took out a rag and doused it in a sleeping drug. I looked at Marcel. "Do it". He whispered. I nodded and I looked in the living room to see his dad watching tv while drinking vodka. I went behind him and immediately covered his nose with the rag. He made some muffles until he relaxed. "Quickly get the rope". I said. Marcel got to me and gave me the rope. I started to tie his dad up and have it a good knot. We waited until soon he woke up. He started trembling and he was about to scream until I covered his mouth. "Scream and I'll hurt you". I said dangerously. His eyes widen and nodded telling me he wasn't gonna scream. "Now I have a few questions for you. Do you think it's right to put your hands on other person when the person didn't do anything?" I said. He shook his head no. "Then why did you keep on doing it to this person when the person didn't do anything?" I said. "I-I....... didn't do anything". He said. I chuckled. Then I looked at Marcel. "He said he didn't do anything. Isn't that rich?" I said. "Definitely". Marcel said angrily. But I think his dad noticed his voice. "M-Marcel?" He said. "Oh look, he found you out". I said. Marcel took off his mask revealing the most angriest face. "Marcel..... please I-". His dad said. Marcel cuts him off. "Don't 'Marcel' me! You hurt me for my whole life after what happened with mom and with your job! You've been accusing me for the most stupidest things and I'm getting sick and tired of it!" Marcel said. Marcel's dad looked at him in shock. "So.... you hired him to torture me?" His dad said. "I didn't hire him. I told him what you did to me. He wanted to do this". Marcel said with a evil smirk. "Yep he's right. Nobody hurts my baby and gets away with it". I said. "Y-Your baby...?" His dad said in shock. "Oh yeah, didn't I mention he's my boyfriend? He accepted me to be gay. Unlike you because you've been abusing me for being gay as well". Marcel said. "L-Look..... M-Marcel.... I'm so sorry. I'm so so sorry. I've been a terrible father to you for your whole life. But I can change. I can get the help I need. W-We can be.... a family again". His dad said. Me and Marcel looked at each other then at him. Marcel grabbed a lock of his hair and yanked it. "You..... are not..... my father". Marcel said quietly and immediately punched him in the face. He held in his scream by pinching his bottom lip. "Marcel? Can you close those curtains? We wouldn't want the neighbors watching us". I said. He nodded and walked over to the curtains and close them. "Do it Chilled". Marcel said walking passed me. I nodded and took out my knife. I walked up to his dad. His dad was shaking in fear. "Also to let you know, I claimed your son as mine. He's now living with me and he doesn't need to go through your bull crap anymore". I whispered to him. He started breathing heavily. "Well.... it was nice meeting you.... not". I said and immediately covered his mouth and started stabbing him really hard. His muffle screams made me want to laugh. He soon died and I took off the rope because it would be known as evidence. I did good because there was nothing that can be for a DNA sample or evidence because I would clean the evidence off. I would do that and it works successfully. Luckily no one in the neighborhood heard us. I looked at Marcel. "Happy?" I said. He took off my mask and kissed me and I kissed back. We pulled away and I smiled. "Thank you". He said. "I'll do anything for you. C'mon let's get out of here". I said putting my mask on. I got the rope and the knife and the other things I use to clean the evident and we got into the car. "Once again, thank you Anthony". Marcel said putting on his mask. "Your welcome". I said. I turned on the car and we soon drove off to go back home.

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