When June Swings By

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The boys and Webby were on their way to the diner, chatting happily. The day could not have been better. Huey and Louie were walking in front, Dewey and Webby following them. Louie was boasting to Huey about how he had sold a plastic banana with sunglasses online for a ridiculously high price, while Huey was thinking about hunting down the idiotic buyers and knocking some sense into their heads. Dewey and Webby were excitedly discussing the tactics they could use when fighting an evil dragon just in case. One of them involved striking the tail, doing a somersault into the air, and using the fire extinguisher at the dragon's open mouth. Yes, it was a perfectly normal day for our favourite ducks.

As they entered the diner, however, Louie immediately yelped and cowered behind Dewey, making the others stare in bewilderment. "She's here, you guys!"

"Who?" asked Webby, alerted. "A madman on the loose? A creepy murderer? A vampire who can turn into a bat and turn us into of them?"

Dewey's eyes darted around the diner. "Oh," he finally said, laughing. "It's June!"

Webby and Huey turned to look at the table near the window. A girl in pigtails in a yellow dress sat there, reading magazines. As soon as she felt their gazes, she looked up and smiled. "Hey!" She gestured for them to join her.

Huey and Dewey were grinning at each other and probably doing the 'twin mind-reading' thing, almost like remembering a dark secret they once shared. Louie was quivering slightly, and panic was written all over his red face.

"Come on, what's the big deal?" said Webby, annoyed. She shoved Louie towards the table, and the other two tailed along. "Hi, I'm Webby."

"Hi," said the girl. "I'm June. You know the Duck triplets?"

"June, please don't call us that," grumbled Huey, as they took their seats.

"They now live in Mc -- Oof!" Webby's beak was covered by Louie, who was chuckling nervously.

"Haha," he said, "we just ran into her and became very close." He quickly whispered to her, "If we tell her we're related to You-Know-Who, we'll never hear the end of it."

"So..." began June, "how's my favorite triplet?"

"Uh well," stuttered Louie, but Huey cut him off.

"I'm gonna grab some drinks."

"Me too," said Dewey, scrambling off his seat. He smirked at Louie for some reason.

"What's your backstory, June?" prompted Webby. She suddenly found June's cheerful nature towards the boys rather vexing. Did they have a lot of history together? And what was with the look Dewey had on his face?

"My aunt was and is still dating their uncle," she explained. "I'm the youngest of triplets too, like Louie here. The others are April and May. The three of us met them when Aunt Daisy brought us to the movies. That's pretty much where everything starts."

Louie was fidgeting in his seat and was very interested in his fingers.

"Earth to Louie?" June waved her hand in front of him.

"Er yeah, I'm here," he responded with a slight blush on his cheeks. June giggled.

Webby just sat there. June had giggled. At Louie's nervousness. There was nothing funny about it! Okay, sure, he looked really adorable when he blushed, but that wasn't the point! And that too. He had blushed at her! Was Webby there for nothing? The anger had really started to ferment.

"So how are you guys doing?" asked Louie, smiling nervously.

June smiled back. Webby felt like she was going to puke.

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