Pt 1: Outcast

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I was always different, always neglected, always an outcast. Even my parents favored my ‘perfect’ sister over me, if only they knew what went on behind closed doors, like her fucking every guy that looked her way or that she used almost every drug on the market.

My whole school life, I’d been bullied and hated, and now that my dad got a new job, we had to move, that meant a new school with new people to treat me like shit.

The new neighborhood was quiet and small, I hated it, I’d walk the street and people already gave me dirty looks. The day I had dreaded since we got here had arrived, the first day of school, I thought about skipping, but where would I go? This place was so small yet I knew nothing about it or its inhabiters. So I was basically forced to go to school.

As I stepped foot onto the bus, all eyes were glued to me, every single person looked me up and down and exchanged whispers with the person next to them, but I didnt care, I was so used to this reaction from people, but I never knew why, maybe because of my background, or maybe because of my scars.

I ignored them though, as small a this town was I wanted to make myself as unnoticeable as I possibly could, the less people know about me the better. So I just straightened my posture and walked to the only available seat, next to a boy with brown, curly hair.

“I like your hair” he spoke as he saw me approaching him. I was shocked for a second, an actual compliment from someome in this town? It’s easier to get out a burning inferno, alive.

As he lifted his head, his eyes left me dumbstruck, they were the most gorgeous blue I’d ever seen, they weren’t your typical everyday blue eyes, they had streaks of gray running through them and I couldn’t help but admire them.

He was good looking I had to admit, “My hair?” I asked, confused since my hair has been the same for god knows how long.

“Yeah, the ends it’s a pretty colour” He said and flashed a smile that made my heart rate speed up. “Thanks, I like your eyes” I smiled as my heart did cartwheels inside my chest.

I sat down and he turned to fully face me, with one of his arms slung over the seat, “You just moved here? Maybe we could ‘hang out’ at my house later?” he said and smirked at me as he did air quotations at the words ‘hang out’.

Annddd there’s the catch, I knew no one in this town was genuine, I scoffed and folded my arms over my chest, “Really? What is wrong with you? You just met me, you don't even know my name” I rolled my eyes and look in the other direction, disgusted at his very presence.

“Well tell me your name then” he said and moved closer to me placing his arm around my shoulder. “Get off” I spat and pushed his arm off me. “Oh come on, just your name sweet heart” he whispered into my ear, making me cringe, I used my elbow to push him away from me and heard a slight, ‘oof’ at the impact.

I smiled slightly, feeling proud at my actions and flipped my phone over and over in my hand, he must have seen the little writing I had at the bottom of my phone case, “Rose.V?” He quoted, “So your name is Rose?” “Yes, now leave me alone” I said, grabbing my bag up off the floor as I stood up.

I walked off the bus and stood in front the school, ‘time for hell’ I thought. I walked to class and sat down at a desk in the back corner of the class, with headphones in, blasting music at the highest volume to drown out the outside noise.

Not long after the same boy from the bus walked in, his lips curled into a smile as he made his way over to me. I looked to the side of me and automatically rolled my eyes, “Really?” I glared at him and took out one of my headphones.

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