Chapter 5~ Therapy Sessions

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Chapter 5:

Before I got to Louis’ flat, I decided to have a beer at a local pub, just to loosen up a bit.

It was around 3 o’clock, so there weren’t many people there. I heard the jingle bell on the door, and looked around to see who entered the bar. Of course, it was none other than my best friend, Harry Styles.

“Hey Harry. Who’s your friend?” I smirked, looking at the lady that was standing next to him, hands entwined.

“Caroline Flack. Cheers. Nice seeing you, Morgan.” He said, rolling his eyes.

I paid for the drink, and literally sprinted out of the pub and to my car. I drove to Lou’s flat as fast as I could, hoping not to think of what just happened. So the rumors are true… He was dating that cougar.

I hopped in the lift, which took me to the 5th floor, where Louis lived with Harry. At least I knew that he wasn’t there.

I knocked on the door three times before Louis opened the door. When he opened it, he looked at me. “Hi.” He said quietly, motioning for me to come in.

I was kind of surprised, no hug, no kiss, no nothing.

“So what’s up Lou? Everything okay?” I asked, as I was getting kind of anxious.

“It’s kind of about Elenor…” he replied, his eyes refusing to meet mine.

“Go on.” I said flatly.

“Well… I fancy you, and I actually want you to be my girlfriend. But I’m still kind of, well, not over El.” He replied, staring at the tan shag carpet on the floor.

“Even after she cheated on you?! Come on Lou, she’s not worth your tears. I know you guys may have had a messy breakup, but still.” I said angrily.

When our eyes finally met, I could see he was on the verge of tears. He expected me to be supportive of him, which I am. I think I just said what I was thinking, which is why I don’t do that very often.

“Now that we’re together, I was hoping it would go away; I’m sure it will, but I need some time… to heal, I guess. I still want you, though. Please, don’t be mad. Stay with me?” He said, almost begging.

I went and sat down next to him on the couch, and my arms snaked around his neck. I brought our faces together, our noses touching.

“Course I’ll stay with you.” I said sweetly.

He smiled that gorgeous smile of his, and his sparkled.

“Good. So now I can do this.”

His lips met mine, and I almost fell over. The kiss was simple, yet passionate. Sparks were flying. That was the best kiss I had ever had, hands down. I pulled away, and just stared at him.

I gave him a huge hug, and whispered in his ear, “I’m so lucky to have you. My boyfriends have been so shitty compared to you. I’m so glad you’re mine.”

“You’re lucky? I’m lucky, because you’ve got that one thing.” He said chuckling.

I giggled and my face found it’s way to the crook of his neck. “So now that that’s out of the way, what do you want to do today, Love?” Louis asked.

“Order take-out, watch a film, maybe?” I suggested.

“Sounds great. I’ll order food, you can pick a movie.”

I went to the gigantic rack of DVDs, and finally decided on Footloose.  I had almost picked The Notebook, but considering Louis’ mental state, I knew that would be a bad idea.

“Do you like Chinese? Or would you prefer Indian…?” I heard Louis call from the kitchen.

“Surprise me.” I said, smiling.

I grabbed my iPhone, and decided to some twitter updates. I had quite a few followers for just being Liam Payne’s sister. I followed only the people I knew, and a few others.

As I was typing, I wondered when Louis was going to tell the other boys we were together. Instead of asking him, I group texted Niall and Zayn.

To: That Sexy Beast Nialler, DJ Malik

Heyy Boys :) Just thought you might wanna know… Louis and I are dating!! Yeah… :D 

From: That Sexy Beast Nialler

I knew that, Silly Girl.                                                                                                   

From: DJ Malik

            Whaaaat?! Why am I the last to know?

I laughed, and went on instagram. I got up and stood next to Louis, and held up my phone to take a picture of the two of us. He put his lips on my cheek, and I began grinning like a flacking idiot (haha, us directioners and our words). As I was writing a caption, Louis stole my phone out of my hands, and deleted what I had been writing.

He posted it, and I grabbed the phone and saw what he wrote.

To my beautiful girlfriend, I owe you so much. You mean so much to me.


I turned to him, and blurted out, “Shouldn’t you tell your… y’know, Paul or something before you announce we’re dating to the world?”

“Nope. The only one who’ll be mad is Harry.” He said giggling.

I totally forgot about him. I wanted to get him off my mind, but this is the perfect opportunity to just get all my anger out.

“That douche. You know what he did today?” I said.

“Woah, strong words. What did Hazza do?” Lou said with his eyes staring intently at me.

“He sang ‘I Wish’. And then he tried to kiss me. And then I saw him at a pub with that flacking bitch.” I tried to keep a straight face while saying the last part, but it didn’t work. I started laughing, and Lou joined in.

“You say that too? I love it! Yeah… I can see him doing that, Caroline’s his rebound. But they’ve been getting pretty… serious. If you can call casual fucking getting serious.” He said.

I stared wide-eyed at him. I never knew Harry was that easy. I’m glad I’m with Lou.

I must’ve started staring into space, because I just realized Louis was grabbing my hand, leading me towards the couch. The food, which was Chinese, was on plates and the movie was playing.

We sat down, almost on top of each other, and began what is the most beautiful evening I had in a long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2012 ⏰

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