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" It's all fake anyway "

Third Person Point Of View

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Third Person Point Of View

The only seat left was by Miryeo but she was saving it for someone cool. In this case, it was definitely not Kyungah. If it weren't for Changbin, Miryeo would've been so happy to befriend the blonde demon in disguise.

The teacher sweetly smiled at Miryeo, " Kyungah, please take a seat next to Miryeo. "

Before Kyungah was able to walk to her seat Mireyeo put her hand up as in asking for the teacher's attention.

" Yes, Miryeo? " the teacher called out.

" Could I please switch seats with Kijung? " Miryeo asked as she awkwardly scratched the back of her neck.

The teacher looked at her understanding, " Do you wish to sit next to Jisung and for Kijung to come to your seat? "

" Yes, of course, if that's possible and if it isn't that much of a bother. "

The teacher nodded and signed Kijung to get up and for him to walk to his new seat.

Miryeo got up and walked past Kyungah as she scoffed and sat down next to Jisung. Jisung understood the whole situation in the class. He was, just like everyone from his friends, throwing daggers at Kyungah.

Class went on and Seungmin felt Jess stiffen up. He placed Jess's hand in his to reassure her everything will be fine. Jess was quick to pull her hand away.

Even tho she liked him, she wasn't going to allow him to do however he pleased. Just because he saved her once didn't mean he could be free to hug or touch her. That one time wasn't supposed to happen and now Jess's feelings were enjoying toying with her.

Seungmin sighed and quietly said to Jess, " Are you really that scared? "

" Yes. " Jess quickly replied.

" But you have seven people to protect you at school," Seungmin grinned.

Jess shook her head, " Dude, you don't need to help me. She's still my friend y'know."

" How can a person that hurt you still be your friend?" Seungmin asked in disbelief.

" We had a promise to be friends minimum of until we graduate." Jess calmly replies, but she was horrible at hiding the worried expression on her face.

Seungmin scoffed, " Are you ten years old?"

" Seungmin, even adults make promises," Jess replied, she wasn't defending Kyungah's idea, she was defending herself and trying to make herself seem less childish.

" Adults make normal promises, but the promise you two made is legit something like what I said to my first crush in the first grade, " Seungmin quietly laughed.

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