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" this is it? "

Third Person Point Of View

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Third Person Point Of View

School seemed to end really quickly, to Jess it felt like it flew by in just a matter of minutes, but now came the hardest part - finally having her talk with Seungmin. It was time for her to confess to him for the fourth time by not, but this time it was going to be sincere and as transparent as she could make it.

Jess had told the rest of her friends about the plan and they all agreed to not drag Seungmin away as they all knew that this was a very needed talk both of the teens needed to have. They had seen how Seungmin was sulking during the time Jess was out of school with Mike and they knew that Jess took a hard punch from that as well. The nine of their friends weren't idiots, even though they acted like it, they really could be wise as well and when it came to the well being of each other that was the main priority.

Jess Point of View

A school ended I took my one last deep, calming breath before heading over to Seungmin, we hadn't really talked the whole day, but I knew that the both of us kept throwing each other eye daggers during that time.

" Hey, Seungmin? " I awkwardly stood next to him as he was packing the books off of his table and placing them in his bag.

He turned to me quite surprised, he was probably surprised that I had even deiced to talk to him as it must've looked like I was ignoring him through the whole day.

" Can we like, talk? " I asked awkwardly as I coughed at the end of my question, mentally slapping myself as I was clearly being a mess in front of him.

Seungmin agreed and we sat down with me facing him when everybody left.

" So, what did you want to talk about? " He was obviously being awkward himself.

I looked away from him when I started to talk focusing my eyes on the bookshelf behind him, " You remember my episode, right? Well, I remember that I tould you that I love you- "

" You don't have to mention it, it's as good as forgotten from my side if you are worried about it, I get that you said that accidentally and that it wasn't true. " he cut me off.

My eyes widened as I immediately shook my head, " No, no, please don't forget that as I wanted to talk to you about it today, I knew it must seem weird right now as I'm in my right mind and everything, but truth be told, I really do love you Seungmin."

Seungmin looked at me, his face was blank. Before he could say anything I shook my head and just sighed, " I get it, you were only telling me that because you wanted me to calm down."

I got up from the chair and was about to run out of the class when Seungmin grabbed my hand and pulled me in a hug, " I was just shocked because of what you said, I actually do love you."

I looked up at him, his face was so close to mine, I could feel the butterflies fly around my stomach, kicking me from the inside, I felt like I would melt in his arms. His eyes kept traveling down to my lips, it made me even more nervous, but when I tried to look at his face my eyes would just travel to his lips as well. For some reason, they looked so inviting.

In a flick of a second I felt his lips against mine, there it was. My first proper kiss. I never believed that it would be like in the books, but it felt just like it. Maybe it was because I was obviously head over heels for Seungmin, but the kiss felt wonderful.

Once we pulled away he just hugged me tighter to his chest, " I swear if you ignore me tomorrow, I'm actually going to go around like a sulking boyfriend and do the best to show how possessive I can get."

I slightly laughed at what he said until his words suddenly rang in my head, " b-boyfriend?"

" Wait you don't want me to be? " he pulled me away from the hug, but his hands were on my shoulders as he looked at me with a worried expression.

" No, I do want you to be my b-boyfriend, " I barely stuttered out. My face felt super hot, I think I probably looked like a tomato at that exact moment.

With that Seungmin grinned and pulled me back into a hug. He was hugging me tightly until I pushed him away and pulled a serious face as I looked at him.

" W-w-what? " he awkwardly laughed.

" You never told me how Hyunjin found my Instagram profile. " I said as I laughed at his worried expression.

Once I mentioned Hyunjin's name the rest of the friend group came barging into the classroom, I was surprised to see Chan, Woojin, and Minho. They were all looking at us with sheepish grins.

"What? We were just making sure you two weren't about to become teen parents! " Chan said as he laughed at scratch the back of his neck. All of us laughed at his silliness.

I honestly have to thank Mike, without his idea of finally talking to Seungmin, this wonderful moment would have never happened and I wouldn't be able to call myself Seungmin's girlfriend.

The End.

A/N Jess didn't recover from her clinical sadness, but let's say in like five years time she did and she ended up marrying Seungmin and having a bunch of cute babies LMAO :3

also i have another fanfic, it's a mafia AU, so if you like the sound of that, please feel free to check it out!

also i have another fanfic, it's a mafia AU, so if you like the sound of that, please feel free to check it out!

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