for a friend

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  • Dedicated to Heather Chambers

In a time of dead and dying stars, twisted decaying galaxies and Barren lifeless worlds. Lived two very odd friends. Two people that if they didn't talk for weeks or for months at a time it was normal and expected. These two people struggle to live and struggle to keep everyone around them from breaking down and to no comfort, sympathy, or appreciation from the people they strived so hard to make happy. And when all was send and done, the people they struggled for left and new ones took there place, and after awhile  left just the same. They were always there for each other seeing themselves through to the next person they would give there all too...

And they finally realized that no matter if the worlds were fruitful and lively or if they were Barron and dead life was the same the only true people that stay and stick around are family, and a persons true best friend the type that at two am writes there best friend awesome bed time stories!!!!

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