What ghost up, must come down

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Danny rotated his shoulder with a wince and fixed his blurry gaze on the ghost. He held up a finger and shot the ghost down. It wasn't a really powerful ghost of any special kind. It shouldn't be that hard to beat.

But the last three sleepless nights and mental strain had him and his body exhausted.

It's all because of those exams, Danny grumbled internally. He was certain the teachers had ganged up against him to cluster all the tests in one week. The term 'free time' had become a stranger to him the past week.

Danny sighed deeply as he held up a shield, too lazy to dodge a shot. Maybe he should take some time off and go punch the arcade games instead of ghosts and textbooks.

Something prickled his sixth sense and Danny looked over his shoulder to see two GIW jets come into sight.

Shit, he thought, why now. He hadn't seen those guys in weeks. They weren't a daily occurrence, thank Clockwork, but how bad could his luck be that they chose this particular day to annoy him.

Danny decided to end the fight quickly. For both his sake and the ghost's.

He flew at the ghost rapidly. "Hey dude. What about we let this die?" He threw a roundhouse kick and the ghost was thrown away. "Seriously!" He exclaimed as the ghost recovered quickly and shot multiple shots at Phantom. "You have ghost to calm down!"

The ghost groaned. "Do you ever stop?" To which Danny grinned. "Over my dead body."

"Watch out, Phantom!"

Danny got the warning too late and was hit on the back of his knee. He yelped, wondering why they couldn't hit the other leg. This one already had a massive bruise on it. He put up a shield and groaned when a few other strong shots hit it.

The GIW seemed to be updating their weapons.

Phantom scowled and swirled around, lighting his hands up with ice. "Common, guys, can't you see I'm busy?! Can we reschedule so I can kick your white clad ass another time?" He aimed and successfully encased one of the planes with ice.

The jet flew out of control when the driver's vision was obscured. Suddenly it stopped jolting around and landed harmlessly, though rather roughly.

After all, Phantom wasn't a bad guy. He landed the jet with telekinesis before returning his attention to the battle.

A small crowd had started to form a bit away. Danny barely spotted a camera crew setting up their equipment. His gaze was directed to the large RV revving up the driveway. Could this day get any worse?

He'd have to take them out one at a time.

The boy decided to concentrate on the most dangerous threat first. He tried a few shots, which the GIW jet expertly dodged.

Danny squeaked when a shot exploded a few feet from where he stood. He glared at the ghost, who shook his head with wide eyes and pointed at something. There stood Jack holding up a large weapon.

Jack held up a fist. "Stay where you are, spook!"

Danny rolled his eyes and winced when it sent a jolt of pain in his head. He'd been fighting a headache since yesterday. Sam said it was because of his lack of rest.

You know what? Baby steps.

The ghost boy flew up and punched the ghost hard.

"Why did you punch me!" The specter complained. "They did it."

"You were annoying me first," Danny countered. "You started this, and I don't know about you but I always finish what I started. Now get in the stupid thermos."

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