Chapter 17

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Just for fair warning!  This is not going to be a particularly exciting chapter, but it is necessary to understand what is coming.  I want to thank all my readers from the bottom of my heart!  Your votes and comments encourage me to keep going, and I know there are many who silently are a huge blessing to me as well!  Thanks so much for the support!!!!!

     It was finally Saturday, and Leslie was so excited to go on her first official date with Greg that she could hardly contain herself. After the crazy week, they had not been able to talk nearly as much as she had hoped, but today was sure to more than make up for it.

Ashley had been staying with her for a few days now, and her bruises had gone from deep purple to a shade of green. Her head was doing much better, and she seemed anxious to get back home. The idea of her going back to such an abusive home made Leslie wish she could just adopt Ashley herself, but that would involve her father giving up his parental rights, and considering what a control freak he was, that would take an act of God. Leslie silently prayed, "Oh, Father, You love Ashley so much, and You are far better at taking care of her than I ever could be. Please keep her safe, and if it's Your will, make a way that she can live with me."

Turning her attention to Waldo who was sprawled out on her white down comforter, Leslie scratched his silky ears. "You are such a good boy! Now help me decide what I am going to wear." Waldo decided that he would much rather sleep, so he laid his head down and closed his eyes. "I guess I'm on my own then." Leslie gave Waldo a look of mock disgust before kissing the top of his head and going to her closet.

Since this was going to be a fairly casual date, she didn't want to be overdressed; she was no Kate Middleton. Looking through her closet, she was glad to find that her knee length, dark, denim skirt was clean. "Oh good! I thought this was in the wash!" This was directed at Waldo who raised his head from the bed, wagged his stubby tail, and promptly went back to sleep.

She found a light-weight cream and black striped sweater and put that on as well. After slipping into her black leather boots, she was glad that at least her wardrobe was complete.

She quickly straightened her long, flaxen hair, and put on a little make up. "That's going to have to do, because he should be here any minute."

When Leslie walked out into the living room with Waldo in hot pursuit, she spotted Ashley sitting on the couch watching an episode of Downton Abbey. "Oh, you would be watching this, just as I was leaving." Leslie sat down for a moment to watch with her.

"You look so pretty, Miss Leslie!" the seventeen year old girl gave her a quick hug. "If Greg doesn't love you already, he will when he sees you today."

Leslie could feel the heat begin to rise from her neck to her cheeks. "Oh, Ashley, you're too much!"

Any more talk was halted by a knock on the door. Leslie felt a tingling sensation in her heart, "That must be him!" She was quickly learning that it was pointless to mask her excitement where Greg was concerned. Ashley giggled when she saw how giddy her Sunday school teacher was to see the man on the other side of the door.

Straightening her sweater, and quickly running her fingers through her hair Leslie let out a tiny squeal before throwing open the door. At that moment she truly understood the saying 'absence makes the heart grow fonder.' Greg had never looked so good to her as he did today. His dark hair was styled to perfection, and the steel blue sweater he wore made his eyes look as blue as the sky. Before he even had a chance to speak, Leslie threw her arms around his neck breathing in the familiar scent of his cologne.

"Well, I have to admit, I never expected this for a welcome." He drew her into a bear hug and let his chin rest on the top of her head. "I should leave more often."

"It just feels like a decade since I've seen you, Greg! We've hardly been able to talk either, and I've missed you!"

Greg's heart could have burst from his chest. "I've missed you too! Now are you ready for a wonderful day?"

Leslie pulled back to look at him, "Absolutely! I've been looking forward to this all week! Let's go!"

"You might want to grab a jacket. There will be a bonfire this evening, and it could get pretty chilly."

"Good idea! Come on in, and I'll go get it!"

Greg saw Ashley sitting on the couch, and struck up a conversation while he waited on Leslie.

"I have no idea where my jacket is, Greg. I have been losing things right and left recently! First my hairbrush, then my perfume, and now my jacket. I don't know what is happening to me." Leslie tried to pretend she was worried about going senile, but in her heart she was worried that someone was taking her things while she was out of the house. Not only had things been missing, but she had noticed items that were moved out of place as well. After telling Officer Lawrence about these particular occurrences, they had kept an unmarked car outside of her building for several days. Unfortunately, they still had no leads. "I'll just grab a hoodie."

"Where is that adorable zebra Snuggie you were wearing on Sunday? You could always bring that!" Greg laughed at his own joke.

"Life is not an infomercial, Greg. People don't wear those things outdoors in real life." Leslie laughed. She felt so much better now that Greg was here.

As Greg and Leslie left the apartment Leslie said, "Now Ashley, you rest, and I will see you later."

Ashley promised to take it easy, and Leslie closed the door.

"What's this?" Greg pointed to a smiley face decal on Leslie's living room window. "I hadn't noticed that before. It doesn't seem to fit with the rest of your decorations."

"That was a special gift from one of my Sunday school girls. Her name was Anna; she was Amanda's sister. She died of leukemia last year, and gave that window cling to me before she passed away. I was visiting her in the hospital for the last time, and she had so much peace in knowing that where she was headed was so much better than her life here on earth. She could tell I was struggling to accept what she knew was coming, so she gave me this. Anna wanted me to remember not to mourn for her, but to celebrate with her as she went home to heaven. I don't know if you have heard the song "Celebrate Me Home", but that is exactly what she wanted me to do. Even though it doesn't match, I will never take it down. It is one of the most precious gifts that anyone has ever given me."

"I had no idea it had such meaning behind it! That is a priceless gift!" Greg took Leslie's hand in his own, kissed it, and led her down to his truck. Anticipation almost made his heart swell out of his chest at the thought of spending the day with the girl of his dreams.

I wanted to include the song Celebrate Me Home for those of you who have never heard it!  Hope you enjoy it as much as I do! <3 :)

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