Chapter 35

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Both Leslie and Greg were taken by ambulance to the hospital. After a thorough examination, it was determined that Leslie had a concussion and and needed stitches for the cut on her lip; Greg had a broken nose.

When they left the hospital hand in hand, Greg was stunned to find camera crews and flashing lights awating them outside of the sliding glass doors.

"How does it feel to have survived the Dot Com Killer?" A female repoter thrust a microphone in Leslie's direction.

Greg saw her give the reporter a confused look. "Good...I guess. I really don't know what you are talking about."

"The man who tried to kill you." The reporter persisted. "He has killed six women that he met online already, you would have been his seventh victim. He was on America's Most Wanted last night."

Her fingernails were almost clawing a hole in his hand as he saw the look of terror return to her her eyes. When he heard the reporter's comment about the television show, he suddenly remembered that the man he had found in Leslie's apartment was the same man he had seen in a composite sketch on televisionthe night before.

"Look, I know this is your job, but please save your questions for another time. Leslie has been through more than enough the last couple of days." Greg tried to wave the group of reporters away. To his annoyance, they continued to circle and draw closer like a flock of buzzards to a fresh carcass.

"You're the hero of the hour, aren't you!" A man with a microphone fought his way in front of Greg. "You saved this young lady and nearly killed the perp! Tell me how you did it."

"I'd really rather not talk about it. I just did what I had to do; Leslie needed me." Greg put his arm around Leslie as they fought their way through the press in an effort to get to the vehicle that was waiting to take them home.

After what seemed like a lifetime, they were finally able to get to the car and away from the savage reporters. Greg rode in the back seat with Leslie who had not let go of him since leaving the hospital.

"How long will it be before she can recover from this?" Greg wondered. "I have no idea what she went through; what that animal did to her."

As they pulled up to Leslie's apartment, he felt her grip on his arm tighten. "I can't go back, Greg." She whispered. "I don't think I can make myself go in there." A tear slipped down her cheek.

Pulling her close and kissing the top of her head, he whispered, "You don't have to." He could feel her trembling against his chest. "I will get what you need and clean everything up. I'm taking you to Will and Jenna's; you can have my room, and I will figure something out."

When she lifted her swollen, tear-filled eyes to his, he wished with every fiber of his being he could take the hurt away. All he could do was bring her into his friends' apartment and pray for her. He was thankful that Jenna had the day off work and could stay with Leslie while he went to her apartment to get some clothes and try and clean up all trace of the waking nightmare she had just experienced.


Jenna took Leslie into Greg's old room and turned down the covers. "You need to get some rest," she said in a motherly tone. Knowing she was right, Leslie began to take her shoes off and climb into bed. Before she had the chance, she felt Jenna wrap her up in a soft embrace. At that moment, all of the emotions she had been holding back broke loose and she sobbed into Jenna's shoulder.

"Why had this happened? How can l ever get past this chapter in my life? Why did Waldo have to be a casualty when all he wanted to do was protect me? How could God have let this happen?"

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