Chapter 9

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We rush to the meat locker. "Dead pigs?" Leo stated and looked around. Mikaela cringed "yuck.."

"What's your about to see is top secret..don't tell my mother."

He opened up the metal door. "Swine flu. Not good." Leo stated with a frown as Simmon replied while he climbed down the metal steps leading down to secret his room.

"Now you know! Next time you eat a goat or a pig..there's a story behind. A sad little story.."

We enter his room. Stacks of papers and binders upon filing cabinets. His whole secret room was filled with maps and other little objects.

Simon began to search through the sacks of paper as I caught my eyes on Frenzies Head. I smiled thinking back to when we first met the Autobots.

As Leo went to the glass dome that covered his head. Leo looked more closely at his head as he reached out to touch him. Simon smacked his hands with a file full of papers. "Don't touch! It's still radioactive!"

He paused and looked at me. "Ok cube brain."

He flashed opened the folder that held pictures of the symbols in my head. I looked more closely as he then spoke again.

"Any of theses symbols you saw?"

I took the folder from his hand and looked through them. "Where did you get these?"

Simon smiled and walked over to a filing cabinet, pulling out some of its drawers to step on and he started to climb up along with scrambling through large stacks of paper as he spoke.

"Before I got fired, I poached S-7's crown jewel. Seventy-five years of searching for points, in-escapable fact. The transformers have been here for a long, long, time."

He pulled out a small cardboard box from a stack of paper and turned to look down at us. "How do I know this?"

He tossed the box towards us and Leo catches this. "Archeologists found these  unexplained markings in ancient ruins all over the world."

My eyes widened as Sam and I shared a worried look. Simon climbed down and I sighed "yea, but why haven't anyone investigated it?"

"Everything even back then was conventional. No one told no one.
Top secret."

Leo handed him the box and pulled out the pictures.

"China, Egypt, Greece.."

He rushed over to the old movie player and placed in a tape and began to play a video that looked from way back then like maybe in the 1900's?

We all looked as he pointed out. "Shot 1932. These are the symbols you see in your head."

"Yeah.." I stated as I watched the film looking at the symbols.

"Same ones over here right?" Simon asked catching my attention as he points back to the pictures on the round table.

I looked at the pictures again. As brushed my fingers over the picture as I sucked my lower lip.

"So, tell did they all end up writing the same thing? Huh? Aliens and I think some of them stayed, check this out. Project black knife." He showed us another folder with more pictures.

He searched through them as he pulled out a few pictures of old cars, planes and jets.

"Robots in disguise, hiding here along." He placed them back down and pointed to them. "We detected radioactive signatures all across the country. I pleaded on my knees with S-7 to investigate, but they said the reading were envestisma. That I was obsessed!"

He slammed his fist on the table. "Me' can you imagine that?!"

Sam and I nodded as we looked at him. I leaned over the table. "Megatron said that there was an energon source here."

"On earth?"

"On earth."

"On another source?"

I nodded "yeah, and these symbols, the maps in my head will lead him there."

"Did you talk to your autobot friends about this."

Sam shook his head "no, this source was before them." Simon nodded and I sighed.

"Whatever the energon source is pre-dates before them."

"So it come before them."


"Well then were port. Unless we can talk to a deceptacon. I mean I'm not on speed terms with them."

We all paused until Mikaela spoke sharing a look with all of us. "Actually I am."

We stare at her in shock. "What?" She worked down a swallow. "Remember when you called me and I had to well do something for a second?"

I nodded a little remembering about when I had that total melt down in class. "Yeah? Wait why?"

"Well..I might of captured was going after the cube sliver."

"Wait that box you told me to grab?" Sam asked and Mikaela nodded. I huffed as Sam and I shared a small look.

"Well, go get it then." Simon stated and she nodded as her and Sam ran up the mental later and outside to grab it.

Well ain't this gonna be interesting?

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