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She tried to move but her body is protesting against her, like it ways filled with cement. Even her eyes are heavy.

Trying... and trying... and open. Dim lit room surround her. A lights softly illuminated the room.

(Hiss... hiss... hiss...)

Her chest rose and fall without her command, taking and pumping out air automatically.

She tried to swallows but something stops the movements. It hurts.

Blinking again. Her eyes focused more. Elegant but sterile room. Moving from the right, a breathing machine steadily pumps air into her lungs. To her left, monitor of a dancing lines.

Her hands move. Coming to her face, pale palm and meticulously manicured nails or whats left of it... to the left a pinky missing a half nail and only started to grew back. On the right hand, all of it.

Weak but determined, she tried to stood up. Tried, fails, tried, this damn tubes in her face.

She pulled it out. Gagging. Throat screaming.

She gasps air when the breathing machine was gone. It's hard breathing again on your own.

"Fuck..." a gravely, burned voice ran at her lips.

She can now sit up.

Arms shaking, she slump at the head of the bed.

She survey the room she is in. Its a luxury hotel class room, only medical machine are out of line of it's elegance. Wall to ceiling window, covered in velvety thick curtains.

The cabinet at the foot of her bed stood with dozens of beautiful pink and white roses. In crystal vase.

She knew she couldn't stood up yet. Even wiggling her toes is a task. But she needs water.

A small fridge stood teasingly ten feet away near a small kitchenette.

The stick holding the i.v drips was her only chance of support.

She will get that water. Arms shaking, body shaking, legs shaking. Even her eyebrows are shaking in effort to move her body but she didn't stop. 10... 9... 8...

Move legs

5... 4... 3...

The cords at her chest snaps off of her chest and made the machine crazy.

2... 1...

"Fucking yeah..." she gasps.

Leaning at the table she opens the door and took a big water bottle and drank. Hasty gulps made her choke so she learns sips are more good.

The door opens and white clothed people ran in. Even black suited people followed suit.

"Where is she?!" An middle age man in white asks the other people.

Thanks to the kitchenette place in the hallow of the wall she was not easily seen, she didn't dare move. She didn't knew this people and the men in suits looks dangerous.

One young nurse turns frantically and saw her. She then screams and pointing at her.

She lifts her brow and drink again. People turn fast at her directly and some suits pointed guns at her.


She looks down and saw a brace at her left leg. No wonder its itchy. From her high thigh to her ankle, it was cemented. No doubt been broken.

The nurses rush at her side and supported her while telling that she needs to get back to bed. One fine nurse man lifts her up and deposited her back.

"Mrs. Drevontti how are you feeling? How did you got your tube out?"


"I yank it out. I was thirsty..." she then made a point of sipping again at the bottle.

Other looked horrified.

"Sir, sorry to disturbed you late at night... but she awake. Mrs Drevontti is awake." A man in black suit said over the phone.

Doctors and nurses soon fusses over her and asking questions and questions.

She was soon sweeps away to some facilities of the hospital, flank by suits and deposited to many machines.


She learned that her name was Margo Annalisa Cor'Auream Drevontti. She was 29 years old. Blood type Ab+ height 5"7 weight 65 kilos.

Had been in multiple surgery for head trauma, leg trauma and multiple fractures of bones all over her body internal bleeding and whatnots she didn't understand words at all and stab wounds. Declared brain dead for the last 4months and hospitalised for almost seven.

She had been kidnapped. Tortured and ultimately been on a car crash when she was about to be rescued and the assailant tried to escape with her.

She cringe how her life had been. Unlucky.

She looks at the suit man standing at the window looking out. Bodyguards.

She flip another channel. More boring stuff in language she didn't understand. Ivalian. In the small kingdom of Ivalisa.

And Oh! She was the second child of the ruling royal family of the country of Ivalisa. A freaking Princess.

Great... talk about cliche. Maybe a Prince will come soon and swept her of her feet. Her husband. Dashing... charming... impeccable manners and at her beck and call at her needs.

She saw how the suit stood alerted.

"Mr. Drevontti has arrived." He announced. He didn't waited for her answer and walk out of the room, not that she needs to say anything anyways.

She patiently waited, Steeling her self not to cringe at Mr. Princely to come inside. Deep inside her she know she didn't want some pussy ass pampered royalty to be her husband but being a royal herself as she was told, she expected her husband to be one.

The door open and a man revealed.

Flower bellowing around him like an sfx. No.
Blinding shiny light. Nope.
White horse. Nada.
Megawatt smile that will burn your eyes. Nee.
Even in princely clothes? Not apparently.

This man is a God. A Death God. Dangerous Creature made for danger and death and sex. Lots of sex.

Satin black shirt that rolled at the forearms, revealing tattoos up to his wrist. Snug dark jeans and expensive shoes. Thick muscles. Frightening height. Black hair sweep back. A scar on his thick left brow, piercing blue eyes.

And guns at his hips.

He walk at the foot of her bed. Steps silent. Deadly. Sexy.

Goodjob old me!

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