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After Margo's shower she pick a simple lavender dress shirt, jeans shorts and tennis shoes. She saw many grand pieces of clothes in her wardrobes but non even caught her interest. She wants clothes she can breath and simple enough to move.

Brushing her hair, she saw this red mark along her side neck. Choking in her own gasped. The blush in her cheeks can fry eggs.

Quickly braiding her hair in lose fishtails to hid the mark.

I can believe he gave me hickeys!!

She tried her best to not think about that afternoon but no such luck. Every creak and protest of her body is the ache of reminder.

It's no big deal. He is my husband! Im his wife

Heaving a deep breaths she exited their room. She looks at the bed and saw again the pink rose and the note at the pillow next to hers.

'When you wake up have dinner with me.


Every molecule in her body are screaming like a school girl she almost laugh.

She took the rose with her outside and plan to show it to her daughter.

Uriel's office door is open and no one's inside.

She past it and went straight for Maggie's door. But when she opens the door a woman voice can be hear.

"She is not true! She is just pretending so she can hurt you and Uriel! She is a lying bitch who will do anything she selfishly want and using you to get whatever it is"

A pause.

A small voice of her daughter can be heard and Then a smacking sound rang.

She bolted inside towards the open bathroom.

"Listen to me. Tell your father that Margo is the one who hit you. If you did not..."

Margo's blood boiled at the scene she saw. Susana is painfully tugging Maggie's arm while the girl cries and a large hand print on her face.

She didn't let the bitch finish her threat to her daughter and yank Susana's wrist off of Maggie.

"Monkey run to your father and call him here. Go baby" she calmly said to Maggie and the little girl did as told.


Margo didn't let her start and punched hard square to her face with a right hook.

The woman stumble but she yank her back and punch again. Now a broken nose.

Susana cried and screamed and tried to clawing her face but she just grab a handfull of black hair from her bun and drag the woman out of the room, along the hall, into the stairs and out the double doors. All the time Susana thrash and shriek like a banshee. "You bitch let go! Let go! Help! She's hurting me for no reason!" Susana proceeded to shout in foreign language

Some of the help who saw them just stood shock.

She thrown her with force making the woman stumble to the guard the the door.

"Bitch! I will tell this to Uriel!" Susana screamed while holding her bloody nose.

"Go ahead! So he will know how you raise your hand at our daughter and threatened her with god knows what and for how long!"

"What is the meaning of this?!" Uriel's voice bellowed behind her.

"Get this woman out of this house or i will kill her whenever i see her. Now!" She shouted to her husband who looked shocked.

"I saw her! I saw her hitting Maggie and when she saw me she hit me and threatened both of us to not say a word. Both i said i will tell so she got mad!" Susana said hysterical.

Uriel stared at the woman and her. She ignored both of them and just looked at the scared Maggie in his legs.

She picked her up and the girl immediately hugs her and buries her face to Margo's neck hiccuping.

"Shush. Mama's here...Mama's here." She then looked at Uriel. "I meant what i said. And you" she looked at Susana. " if i see you in this house again or anywhere near my daughter..." she covered her daughter's ears. "I will fucked you up so bad, you wish i killed you."

Everyone who was near the commotion stood shocked. Even the guard holding Susana and the woman herself.

She went to the direction of the kitchen with Maggie in her arms.

"Can you please help me get some ice pack? She said to woman with apron who was watching the commotion.

The woman nods and said some Ivalisa languages.

She sat Maggie in the dinning table and looked at her face. The redness now started to swell. It was obviously more bigger than her own hand.

The help soon gave her the ice pack and clean towel and she place it in Maggie's cheek.

All along the little girl sniffles but didn't cry, just tears flowing.

"Monkey, tell me the truth does that woman always speaking to you like that? Did she always scared you like that?" The girl nods "is this the first time she had hit you? " her head shook no.

Gritting her teeth she looked at the help. " tell Uriel i want that woman lock up in jail"

She looks back at her daughter. "She will never be near you again baby, i promise"

The girl finally cried and hugs her neck for dear life.

While Margo tried her best to comfort her child, Uriel stood at the door watching and observing the scene.

Clearly his wife was not at fault. He heard his daughters cries for the first time in a long time that sounded both pleading and relieved. Together with the evidence and what his daughter said he knew Susana will pay.

His anger boils calmly but deadly. No one touches a Drevontti. And escaped unscathed.

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