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"So... your awake at last. " deep chocolatey smooth voice said.

He continued to speak in foreign language when she didn't answered as she still ogle him.

She blink as he rise one brow.

"What was that?" She asks. Distracted.

He scrunched his brows.

"How are you feeling" he asks.

"Oh uhm... im good. A little ache here and there but fine." She said.

His face scrunched some more. He move closer to her side.

"Say that again?"

Confused she said it again.

"Since when did you have an American accent and a southern one too?" He now glared.

"Didn't I always talk like this?" She asked.

He abruptly stood up. He glared at her then walk away.

Applaud she just looked at him walk away. She think he must have now understood that she lost her memories.

Soon after that doctors check on her again. Asks questions and took blood.

Her husband stood guard and was talking on his phone with his language.

"Mrs. Drevontti. Im afraid you may have Amnesia due to your surgeries and in comatose state. We ran some test to your brain conditions and we have found no abnormalities other some scar tissues. No memories but basic functionalities are good. We were just baffled by the change of personality and no recollection of your native language. Normally person with your case of amnesia retort back to her most common and old state.

As your physician all your life, i known you my dear and i have never known you to have travel in America to pick up your accent nor did you encounter people on there. Have you Mr. Drevontti?" The kind Doctor looked at him.

His face looked grim. "No."

The medical stuff now looked worried.

"Very well. The test will be done as soon as possible thanks to your kind addition to our hospital so we wont have to worry very soon." The Doctor said.

"If it came back positive. May men will be on all of the procedures so no one will be fooled." He looked stately at the nervous doctor.

"Yes of course. Well then, we will take our leave."

They can't even escape fast enough. She silently looked at them and then him. He stared at her intently.

"So...what is your name Mr. Drevontti?"

He walks at her side and took her free arm with out needle. Gently he handled it and bring up to the headrest of the bed.

(Cling Click!)

She was shocked. He just handcuffed her in the bed.


"My name is Uriel." He then sat at the near by couch and cross his one ankle over his knee.

"Why this?"

"To prevent your escape. If the DNA test shows negative and you are just pretending to be my wife. If I found out you are a fake and try to fool me you will be questioned and punished and force to tell where is the real Margo."

"Woah wait there mister! Half a freaking day ago i didn't even know i was this Margo! I just woke up here! I dont remember anything! Y'all people just informed me I'm this person and i didn't said i am. If i was pretending shouldn't i made the perfect character?"

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